Obviously I am quite terrified by the prospect of not being able to play violent games anymore as should you.
People who support this law do it for reasons like I suppose it is teaching our kids violent things even though there is no research to back this up. Most people polled said they would give the industry a negative rating.
" These responses seem contrary to findings from the Federal Trade Commission: In November, a report from the FTC stated that "The electronic game industry continues to have the strongest self-regulatory code," and that "compliance with [that] code was high in all media."
Also if the law does pass then the states of Connecticut,Florida,Hawaii,Illinois which is where I live,Louisiana,Maryland,Michigan,Minnesota,Mississippi,Texas, and Virginia will also try to pass similar laws.
People against the law claim that it violates the first amendment.
I would love to know what you think so post some stuff about it.
This is from the article in Game Informer
"We think government efforts should be focused on joining with us to ensure greater understanding and use of our system,because it's the parents-not the government,and not the gaming industry-that should make decisions about what games are suitable for their children"
Once again please place your thoughts below and explain why you think it should be a law or not.
Experimental hypothesis - Violent video games increase violent behaviour in children Null hypothesis - Video games have no effect on violent behaviour in children Independent variable - Violent video games played Dependent variable - Violent behaviour in children Extraneous variables - normal aggression level, distractions, enivronment and attention span Target population - children aged 7-14 Group size - 500 children within target age group Random sampling Field experiment Quantitive data Use of confederates? No.
You forgot the use of "observer effect", "blind study", and "CORRELATION".
Where is this "evidence"--citation needed--connect with the opposite correlation that violent video games have on children?