ForumsWEPRWhere do we go after we die?

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Do we continue life in HEAVEN for EVER and what would we do if that happened?

OR do we continue live in HELL for EVER suffering because we all sinned?

This is probably the hardest question in the world to answer but I want to know what you think will happen to us?

  • 844 Replies
3,817 posts

You're just as atheist as he is Christian by asking me to have a problem with him you're insinuating I must have a problem with you.

At least I am not as much as a parrot as he is, that is way more annoying... And I always thought you had a problem with me anyway.

The answer is objective but the way you arrive at it cannot be as there cannot be objective proof about it.

Fine, but if something as blatant as little ghost flying around the universe it should be easy to prove true, correct? I can prove both gravity and electricity in a lab, but so far no one who is an actual scientist has come up with any possible way for there to be even the lowest form of afterlife, all the evidence pointing to you not having one.
4,871 posts

At least I am not as much as a parrot as he is, that is way more annoying... And I always thought you had a problem with me anyway.

Everyone's a follower unfortunatly I would still rather follow some examples but forth by Jesus than by Richard Dawkins, perhaps he is a parrot but the majority of people tend to be at certain times. And no, I generally don't as long as you debate instead of flaming the opposition.

I can prove both gravity and electricity in a lab, but so far no one who is an actual scientist has come up with any possible way for there to be even the lowest form of afterlife, all the evidence pointing to you not having one.

Gravity is a natural force an afterlife is supernatural not only can it not be proven but any science attempting to do so is false as true science only concerns itself with the natural world.
3,817 posts

Everyone's a follower unfortunatly I would still rather follow some examples but forth by Jesus than by Richard Dawkins, perhaps he is a parrot but the majority of people tend to be at certain times.

Jesus only fed a few people, made a little wine, and healed a few people. It isn't hard to beat him. There are plenty of people you could modle after, not based on religion. Even people like Bill Gates who send millions to charities have the potential to easily feed more and heal more than Jesus did...

Gravity is a natural force an afterlife is supernatural not only can it not be proven but any science attempting to do so is false as true science only concerns itself with the natural world.

If it was real, it would be natural. If it were natural, it would be testable. But it is neither of those things... In fact, I can't think of one supernatural thing that is actually real in anything but a minor since.
4,871 posts

Jesus only fed a few people, made a little wine, and healed a few people. It isn't hard to beat him. There are plenty of people you could modle after, not based on religion. Even people like Bill Gates who send millions to charities have the potential to easily feed more and heal more than Jesus did...

Jesus devoted the last three years of his life to serving humanity, money means nothing if you yourself do not serve.

If it was real, it would be natural. If it were natural, it would be testable. But it is neither of those things... In fact, I can't think of one supernatural thing that is actually real in anything but a minor since.

Because it can't be proven by science, exactly. I'm not saying it does exist but I am saying that it doesn't is still a strong assertion, burden of proof be damned.
3,817 posts

Jesus devoted the last three years of his life to serving humanity, money means nothing if you yourself do not serve.

And service means nothing without any money. Three years? Only that many? I could probably find someone who has been helping for at least five years in Africa easily, probably.

Because it can't be proven by science, exactly. I'm not saying it does exist but I am saying that it doesn't is still a strong assertion, burden of proof be ****ed.

If it can't be proven by science, it doesn't exist... If saying an afterlife doesn't exist, even though the fact that the brain shuts down as well as the nerves after death, is not possible in the least bit. There is a better chance of an intergalactic teapot floating around. Saying there isn't is a strong assertion, according to you, but logic and the current evidence would lead me to believe that there is not, in fact, a teapot out in outer space controlling whatever. And did I forget to mention it is invisible and can not be touched?
4,871 posts

And service means nothing without any money.

Once again you show a remarkable lack of understanding of basic human needs. The care is what is necessary not the money, money helps but it isn't the most important thing.

Three years? Only that many?

Three years recorded but potentially more, I don't doubt there are others who have served more but I implore you to find ten or more examples that weren't religious and who served continuously.

If it can't be proven by science, it doesn't exist...

Then I'm done debating with you, if we can't agree on this point there's no point in continuing this at all. Debating on different planes of thought isn't possible.
8,257 posts

If it can't be proven by science, it doesn't exist...

You can't prove that something doesn't exist, you can only prove that something does exist (like DNA tests for possible parents of a child: positive results are 100% certain while negative results always have an uncertainty). If it can't be proven it is improbable but not impossible. The only way is to prove the opposite.
3,817 posts

Once again you show a remarkable lack of understanding of basic human needs. The care is what is necessary not the money, money helps but it isn't the most important thing.

It is the money that really helps. What gets the mosquito nets, preventing malaria and saving millions of lives? Money. What gets the food? Money. What even allows the serves men to get over to places were people need relief and help? Money. Without money helping you, all you could do for, oh say Africa, would be yelling really loud "I SUPPORT YOU!" and then attempting to swim across the ocean...

Three years recorded but potentially more, I don't doubt there are others who have served more but I implore you to find ten or more examples that weren't religious and who served continuously.

I will attempt tomorrow, if you remind me. My internet continuously disconnects today, I am using a new laptop and am not yet an expert with it.

Then I'm done debating with you, if we can't agree on this point there's no point in continuing this at all. Debating on different planes of thought isn't possible.

I will happily agree with you, as long as you can provide one thing that can't be proved by science that actually exists. Everything I can think off are all fiction stories...
4,871 posts

It is the money that really helps. What gets the mosquito nets, preventing malaria and saving millions of lives? Money. What gets the food? Money. What even allows the serves men to get over to places were people need relief and help? Money. Without money helping you, all you could do for, oh say Africa, would be yelling really loud "I SUPPORT YOU!"

But money doesn't mean anything, I can throw one hundred dollars into a tribe of Africans and yell I support you but what are they going to do buy food and then starve again? It's the constant effort of getting the money, and Bill Gates really isn't all that great giving away money isn't a big deal when you're a billionaire.
3,817 posts

But money doesn't mean anything, I can throw one hundred dollars into a tribe of Africans and yell I support you but what are they going to do buy food and then starve again? It's the constant effort of getting the money, and Bill Gates really isn't all that great giving away money isn't a big deal when you're a billionaire.

So? He can't help everyone by himself? Neither could historical Jesus. My point being that if you donate a million dollars, your helping more people than Jesus could have dreamed off.

And actually a hundred dollars would be a ton of money for them, they would be able to feed themselves for probably a month? It would be a lot more than a service man could do, sit in a corner and watch them die.
4,871 posts

And actually a hundred dollars would be a ton of money for them, they would be able to feed themselves for probably a month? It would be a lot more than a service man could do, sit in a corner and watch them die.

Correct they live for a month and die, that's it.

Now if I wear to serve them but teaching them newer ways of growing food while at the same time asking for money I would be able to feed them for much longer.

My point being that if you donate a million dollars, your helping more people than Jesus could have dreamed off.

Considering the fact that over the years Christians have donated way more than 1 million dollars to charity I would say his service was a great way to lead others into helping.
3,817 posts

Now if I wear to serve them but teaching them newer ways of growing food while at the same time asking for money I would be able to feed them for much longer.

But you would still need the money, which you asked for. It requires money.

And then there is the problem of feeding them the several months while there crops are growing, which would require money...

Considering the fact that over the years Christians have donated way more than 1 million dollars to charity I would say his service was a great way to lead others into helping.

These people would still donate even if they were not Christians, and there are plenty of secular charities. The few who would not donate if they were not Christian do not donate in significant amounts anyway, making them practically useless. It is only do to the fact that the majority of 1st world countries happen to be Christian that they donate the most money.
4,871 posts

But you would still need the money, which you asked for. It requires money.

And then there is the problem of feeding them the several months while there crops are growing, which would require money...

Again throwing money at them probably wouldn't do a heck of a lot. Imagine if there were no people willing to serve them but there was money, money that we would just give to them in hopes they would invest it wisely. No one to educate them, no one to even give a damn for that matter.

The few who would not donate if they were not Christian do not donate in significant amounts anyway, making them practically useless. It is only do to the fact that the majority of 1st world countries happen to be Christian that they donate the most money.

Prove it, as it is your assertion.
3,817 posts

Prove it, as it is your assertion.

It seems you have finally found out one of the basics of science! Care to become a full atheist now?

But this particular experiment would be hard to do, either involving the use of child manipulation, which would also require that you know how much he would spend defeating the purpose, or manipulation on the faith of a certain church to see how those who donated much fared against those who donated little.

I suppose you could technically take a servery of people who once went to church, see how much they donated while in the church, then see how much they donated once they left, and see if my hypothesis is correct. But of course I am not a scientist, the most I could do would be suggest the studies to someone who can preform it, and as far as I know the majority of scientist in my aria are typically Chemists and Biologist working at the lab, not sociologists and psychologists... But I will be sure to suggest it to the next one I meet.

Again throwing money at them probably wouldn't do a heck of a lot. Imagine if there were no people willing to serve them but there was money, money that we would just give to them in hopes they would invest it wisely. No one to educate them, no one to even give a **** for that matter.

Imagine if there were no people willing to give money, but there were plenty to serve. The people could teach them nuclear physics and it wouldn't matter, having no money to do anything. Disease and starvation would be just as wide spread. The service men could do nothing without money.

And I just noticed how off topic we are... Maybe this could be moved to something like a "Give a man a fish" thread...
3,817 posts

Our body rots. But... the soul? What happens to the soul? I belive that humans and animals have souls. Sometimes, I feel the presence of a soul, a ghost.

Describe, please, this &quotresence" so it can be properly debunked.
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