ForumsWEPRWhere do we go after we die?

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585 posts

Do we continue life in HEAVEN for EVER and what would we do if that happened?

OR do we continue live in HELL for EVER suffering because we all sinned?

This is probably the hardest question in the world to answer but I want to know what you think will happen to us?

  • 844 Replies
165 posts

Hey Avorne and 314d1. I AM a Jesus Freak and I am proud of it. You can call me names and tell me what I believe in is wrong, but don't blaspheme the name of my God. I am allowed to have my own beliefs to. If every single Christian that gets brave enough to write something about what they believe, and you guys condone them and their God as crazy and tell them to shut-up, what is the point of having discussion threads?

4,871 posts

It seems you have finally found out one of the basics of science! Care to become a full atheist now?

Seeing as how we usually discuss the supernatural the idea of the burden of proof takes a back seat. Whatever. And no most likely not, I prefer to retain some sense of wonder.
3,817 posts

*Looks threw posts* Well your god IS crazy, if he existed, but no one has told you to shut up. The only thing I have seen people tell you to do is "BRING SOME EVIDENCE" which I am suggesting you do once again. Until this evidence is brought, you can't complain about people calling crazy beliefs crazy.

And wait, you think YOUR the brave ones? Atheist can't speak loud in most places. The atheist billboard are constantly vandalized. Just last week, two boys were discussing religion (14 and 16) when the Christian shot the atheist in the chest with a shotgun. He is allowed to walk from prison when he turns 18. And your brave because you might get made fun off? How does that work?

165 posts

There are many different types of Christians, just like how most Muslims aren't terrorists. I don't think that Christians should shoot atheists, and if that really is the full story, I think that that is a perversion of justice. Also, Christians don't massively outnumber non-believers or atheists, and I bet you could find a story somewhere (A few come to mind) of Christians being murdered for their beliefs. I will not bring you scientific evidence, because my faith is based in belief, trusting in what I cannot prove.

256 posts

I will not bring you scientific evidence, because my faith is based in belief, trusting in what I cannot prove.

Then don't expect people to believe your crazy religion. Also, don't bother using your religion as evidence for anything in an argument because its pointless.
3,817 posts

There are many different types of Christians, just like how most Muslims aren't terrorists. I don't think that Christians should shoot atheists, and if that really is the full story, I think that that is a perversion of justice. Also, Christians don't massively outnumber non-believers or atheists, and I bet you could find a story somewhere (A few come to mind) of Christians being murdered for their beliefs

Last I checked, believes outnumbered nonbelievers 10/1 (9% U.S atheist) and can't remember anything since Rome about Christians being persecuted...

I will not bring you scientific evidence, because my faith is based in belief, trusting in what I cannot prove.

I want scientific evidence, and why does YAHWEH demand this blind faith so much? So much that he would torture forever if you don't have it? Isn't that cruel?
9,462 posts

The proof is subjective to the individual as philosophical truth usually is.

There is either an afterlife or there is not. This isn't a subjective issue. As such any proof can not be subjective.

Yes he is entitled to his opinion, however this is also a place to challenge those opinions he puts forth.

Because it can't be proven by science, exactly. I'm not saying it does exist but I am saying that it doesn't is still a strong assertion, burden of proof be ****ed.

I'm sure you don't apply this equally to everything that hasn't been verified. If there is no proof of something then it's reasonable to assume it doesn't exist.

Describe, please, this &quotresence" so it can be properly debunked.

*properly verified.
We should be trying to debunk what has been verified, we should be trying to prove what hasn't.

You can call me names and tell me what I believe in is wrong, but don't blaspheme the name of my God.

"Atheists are often charged with blasphemy, but it is a crime they cannot commit... When the Atheist examines, denounces, or satirises the gods, he is not dealing with persons but with ideas. He is incapable of insulting God, for he does not admit the existence of any such being... We attack not a person but a belief, not a being but an idea, not a fact but a fancy. " -George William Foote

Seeing as how we usually discuss the supernatural the idea of the burden of proof takes a back seat.

No it doesn't. If one person is claiming that X exists and the other person says X doesn't exist then the person claiming X exists needs to prove it. You can fill in X with anything you like.

Whatever. And no most likely not, I prefer to retain some sense of wonder.

There is plenty of wonder in the verifiable world.

Christians don't massively outnumber non-believers or atheists, and I bet you could find a story somewhere (A few come to mind) of Christians being murdered for their beliefs.

What do you mean by non-believer? Also out of religious groups Christians are the largest.

I will not bring you scientific evidence, because my faith is based in belief, trusting in what I cannot prove.

Then there is no reason to believe what you state is true.

But why would you trust in what you can not prove? By this logic you should trust my unprovable statement that an invisible flying elephant will one day crush your house. But will you? If so then why is my unprovable unfounded statement any less credible then the unproven unfounded statements you believe?
256 posts

By this logic you should trust my unprovable statement that an invisible flying elephant will one day crush your house.

Just asking, why do you like flying elephants?
9,462 posts

Just asking, why do you like flying elephants?

I was trying to think of something unprovable and absurd. I could just as easily say pink unicorns, invisible dragons, Flying Spaghetti Monster, or magic sandwiches.
256 posts

I could just as easily say pink unicorns, invisible dragons, Flying Spaghetti Monster, or magic sandwiches.

They all make more sense than god. I mean, magical sandwiches seem more possible to me (I think I had one this morning).
9,462 posts

If a friend of yours it at your right and no one is at your left, you can feel that something is at your right and nothing at your left. I call it "Presence of life". It's almost the same feeling when a ghost/soul is near you just that you rarely see it. Also it can get a very little bit windy and chilling. I've felt the presence of a cat and a human. It sounds strange, doesn't it?

There are also a number of phenomena that can produce the feeling of being watched or someone else in the room when there is no one.
For example, the presence of strong electromagnetic fields and infrasound can both produce such an effect. These can be virtually undetectable by our normal senses, so it can seem as if the feeling is unexplainable. These effects can at times also product visual hallucinations as well, couple this with the eery feeling that it also produces, this can very easily make it seem as if a ghost is present.

So what is the more likely cause? The unproven existence of souls, or the proven existence of electromagnetic fields and infrasound, also proven to have effects that can produce eery feelings and hallucinations?
4,871 posts

So what is the more likely cause? The unproven existence of souls, or the proven existence of electromagnetic fields and infrasound, also proven to have effects that can produce eery feelings and hallucinations?

Couldn't the souls be emitting the electromagnetic fields though? Just a thought.
1,133 posts

So uhh someone want to fill me in on what we are talking about?

9,462 posts

Couldn't the souls be emitting the electromagnetic fields though? Just a thought.

Sure, but we find in almost every case a likely source for these emissions.

So uhh someone want to fill me in on what we are talking about?

It would seem we are currently discussing the existence of souls.
3,085 posts

I'm just going to contribute to this in the best way I know how to - by quoting other sources!

The soul is usually described as an immaterial "thing" in a way that implies that it contains someone's conciousness, personality, personhood and memories. After all, what would be the point of a soul surviving death, that doesn't think or have any memory? In the objective universe however that worldview conflicts with the following realities:

* Brain Damage
* Strokes
* Epilepsy
* Electrode stimulation
* Transcranial magnetic stimulation
* Split Brain patients

In an effort to put the soul onto a more scientific footing Dr. Duncan MacDougall of Haverhill, Massachusetts tried, in 1901, to weigh the soul.

He took a dying man and weighed him until the moment of death at which point he apparently noticed a reduction in weight of three fourths of an ounce. He subsequently repeated the experiment with fifteen unfortunate dogs and found no such reduction.

Over time he repeated the experiment with five other dying humans - and got a variety of differing results which rather invalidated his premise.
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