There is no proof that there is God. Yet there is no proof that he isn't there. There is no proof that there is a Elf-ghost-demon. Yet there is no proof that it doesn't exist.
I think MageGrayWolf may have said this on another thread, but you can't disprove a negative. Simply the fact that god doesn't exist makes it impossible to disprove his existence.
I think MageGrayWolf may have said this on another thread, but you can't disprove a negative. Simply the fact that god doesn't exist makes it impossible to disprove his existence.
That is what he said, looking at the second part of the sentence...
There is no proof that there is a Elf-ghost-demon. Yet there is no proof that it doesn't exist.
It depends on what you consider as proof. If you think that millions of world-wide miracles as well as thousands of years of passed-down knowledge and tradition is proof, then yes, there is proof that God exists, but as far as i know, there is no tangable evidence that most people would believe as proof of a God, frankly because everyone is too arrogent
thousands of years of passed-down knowledge and tradition
Of course. How could our ancestors be wrong? Hey could some one pull this leach off me? I think all the bad blood is out...
frankly because everyone is too arrogent
"I Speak with the all powerful creator of the universe, and have a relationship with him. He gives me whatever I ask for and tells me all the secrets of the universe. And I can't be wrong about this. And you arrogant heathen know it all thinks I am wrong!"
I consider something we can objectively demonstrate as proof.
If you think that millions of world-wide miracles
Considering there have been no demonstratively true miracles to date, then no. No the Bible claiming Jesus did miracles isn't a demonstration of true miracles as we only have the Bibles word to go on. In fact a miracle by a religious definition presumes there is a god to start with. So no this is just circular reasoning all over the place.
as well as thousands of years of passed-down knowledge and tradition is proof
No I don't considering tradition as proof. All a tradition is, is just repetitive behavior. If I had a tradition of jumping up and down on one leg before entering a building would that be considering proof that you have to jump up and down on one leg before entering a building? No, there is any number of reasons both real and imaginary that could be the reason for such a behavior.
but as far as i know, there is no tangable evidence that most people would believe as proof of a God, frankly because everyone is too arrogent