Dan needed the beta testers for rating games, commenting, basic help with the site to make sure everything was working the way it should. Ian already said that the beta testers may not have access to the forums, but they will be doing the above.
Yeah, it's work. Which is why Ian's proposal of picking from the leaderboard wasn't really a good idea, as ironic as it sounds. Users that are very active and contributing to the site, as well as a want to contribute are ideal candidates for beta testing, because....they will actually work!
I used to be a regular! Till school started. And I didn't check on the site just to become active in order to get picked. I really like this site. I hope the whole layout of it all isn't changed.... And you don't have to be so darn active just to be picked. You just go through the site fairly often, play through it, report bugs or something, what might seem too confusing for newbies, ect. ect. Even though I would be pretty happy to be a beta tester, I'm not gonna beg for it. I just want to be active again now that I have more time because band practice has officially died! So, to see people go "ick me cause im 'active!'" Cause you can't go by the forum number, some could be more spam than actual conversing. Games rated and commented on, you can't really go on that because, yes you can spam it. And comments can be incredibly spammy as well. People that tell you what is confusing to them in the site, yes. People that contribute to the community ( our regualar forum posters. Not our regualr semi spammer posters ) I may not fall under that category, But my opinion is you go through the game comments and see who really put thought into their comments. It doesn't have to be a person with a thousand forum posts, you just have to see that they take constant thought into the games they really rate and comment on. Who has the time to do that, I don't know. But I would think that those are the best type of beta testers you could really have.
I hope the whole layout of it all isn't changed....
It'll most likely be a new format probably. I don't know, ask cormyn.
Another question from me. Beta version will be launched soon right? And what's with this site? beta.armorgames.com/. Is it just a little teaser for AG 3.0?
Most of the top 100 i have heard of. I'm friends with about a third. I know some are inactive, but you would think that the active users would somehow nudge their way onto the board...
Hmm...Cormyn...you know you could get people writing essays on why they should be picked for Beta...
I could write an essay too Ryan. I have time.
Focussing on those active is a curious idea, wouldn't it make more sense to ask the Moderators about who they think is suitable.
Recommendations work out pretty well. I believe for closed beta the decision process will be very selective, but it'll open up quite a bit for the open beta. I dunno... Aren't we going to have sign-ups?
That would make more sense than just invitations, methinks. Some setbacks with invitations would be:
--User is inactive
--User doesn't wanna do it
--User is non-contributory
With signups, choosers only have to worry about #3. Yes, there are hopefuls, but there really is no telling if said hopeful is right for beta testing. Recommendations are likely. If 100 people, as was said in the estimations, are the correct number, the developers will have quite a lot of people working behind the scenes, the majority of which are more than suitable for beta testing.
You know..... When I first started this site back in feburary, I didn't know how to quote... lol Anyways. What I think is crappy is that no one I think has the time to go through all the peoples comments. I would, but I'm probably not going to be asked to. I still might just for the lolz, but I would need about two weeks of undisturbed internet connection and battery life just ot get through the Action game comments and find reliable testers.
I also really think there should be online essays or like some sign up sheet.... Maybe... THis corymn person will open a thread, SIGN UPS FOR BETA I. open it for about an hour. then lock it. Go through all the people that filled out some form thingie that you posted on the topic, go to their profile if their sign up thing sound appropriate, check their comments, etc. If you don't have enough beta testers, stick a post on the first beta sign up, saying another will be opened the next day. Make a BETA SIGN UPS II. Give the same sign up, and close it in like 45 minutes. Thin out the sign up forms and then just repeat if you still need beta testers. As always, This is just MY OPINION.