Correct me if I'm wrong but with the advent of AG3 will come the advent of the forums being 'revamped' so to speak. So, based on other ideas i've seen and a proportion of my own, I've come up with some suggestions/ideas for what I'll call F3 ('cos I'm a nerd like that):
-Different color scheme choices E.G red, blue, black and gold (not really a big deal but it just increases that 'ersonalized' feel of the forums and helps satisfy the desires of some people who complain about the current color-scheme being an eye-sore. NOTE: I refer to the color-scheme as the white background AND the actual colors of links, text, etc.) -greater interaction between the users profile and what appears underneath their name when they post on the forum. Currently it's just your post count and rank but I see room for expansion to include age, gender, etc if that person wanted to. -Increased coverage of BBcodes - we do certainly have the basics such as bold, italics, link, image and quote BUT things such as spoiler (great in threads about certain movies, books, etc), post (for post linking - useful in situations where a specific post has relevant information to a topic of discussion but may be too long to quote without taking up loads of space) and list (obviously good for listing things) are not covered at the minute and would be advantageous to the community as a whole.
I welcome feedback on my suggestions and any ideas to better them. I'd also welcome some new ideas to add to mine to prevent this thread from growing stale too quickly.
If a technology forum is made, a sports forum is made. Both topics have a heavy impact on society, so yeah, they should have their own forum. I say an official poll should be taken on both. Hey knight, you talking about my idea, or Kensey's?
To make it short, I demand a review section for each game, separated from comments. Of course there will be rules for posting a review ( common sense stuff ) and automatic check for minimum characters, repeating phrases ( SPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAM ), as there won't be many that posts reviews it'll be easier to moderate and finding merit worthy posts.
That reminds me of a suggestion that you need to have a word requirement to post in the forums. Say like 5 or 7 words would be a good requirement. And nothing repetitive.
People will always join this site. People think that the more sites they are a member of, the cooler they are. It's just a metter of if they stay for more than a day or two before getting bored. AG needs to find a way to captivate an audience so that they're entertained, but not so far that it is a full-blown social network.
I have another suggestion: How about have a small 'flag'-like feature be placed behind the threads you yourself have posted in? This way you can easily see the threads you visited and contributed to, plus... it would evade the whole email thing mentioned where you get an email about the threads...
Maybe also a good idea would be to have users make a small section on their profile where they can stickie their favorite threads?
Maybe also a good idea would be to have users make a small section on their profile where they can stickie their favorite threads?
I have a problem with this idea because I believe all threads deserve to die eventually.
1. If you favorite a thread and it is bumped back to page 8, 9, or 10, and you or someone else spots the thread in their favorites, they will probably post in the thread if they like it, regardless if the thread is old or not. If a topic is dead, I believe it is better to make a brand new topic.
2. I believe people will be more tempted to favorite their own threads that they created and have their buddies keep bumping their threads so they don't die.
If someone makes a thread about pie and how awesome it is and it reaches 20 pages before dying, and someone else wants to talk about how awesome pie is. Would you rather talk about how awesome pie is in a crisp, new, clean thread or an old, crowded, and outdated thread?
Of course, this is simply my own opinion on how I think the forums should work and may or may not reflect the views of other moderators.
However, I did go to one forum that allowed you to "watch" certain threads. If someone posted in the thread you were watching, you would get a notification somewhere on your profile that only you can see.
I'm not sure how easy that would be to implement in the new forum since the site won't be revolving around the forums, but rather the games.
1. If you favorite a thread and it is bumped back to page 8, 9, or 10, and you or someone else spots the thread in their favorites, they will probably post in the thread if they like it, regardless if the thread is old or not. If a topic is dead, I believe it is better to make a brand new topic.
I wanna think of a way to "archive" the old threads without archiving....when we think of archived threads, we think of them not being able to post in that thread anymore. If there is a thread AT LEAST a month old, there should be a notification that suggests a user make a new thread pertaining to that topic. With this, a user can use the elements of the old thread, remake it into a new thread, and the discussion can go on in there.
If that didn't make sense, I'm suggesting a cautioning to users when they are wishing to reply to an old thread.
I'm wondering how moderators will work in AG3. You said you were revamping the forum, does that mean that the way moderators work will change on no?
Mods will probably work in similar ways to how they act (and behave) now, but they may have extra tools similar to how we believe the federal government has alien technology that could bend reality and alter time to fit their needs and wants. /joke
@wajor59 we'll very likely let you keep posting images in your forum posts. I don't know what you mean by "ixel count".
Gantic posted on 8/28/10 @4:05pm with:
You, the user, are given a 50 by 50 pixel tile...
I did a lot of searching through Apple apps to find a way to achieve this demand and came up dry. Another moderator was talking in another art thread about how small the pixels have to be to comply with Armor Games system. I'm very interested in producing art but I'm at a total loss as to how to do this without spending hundreds of dollars? I'm hoping that with AG3 I will be able to write game stories and provide illustrations to go with them, even if its a doodle to start with. Would you mind asking Larry about this?
I'm very interested in producing art but I'm at a total loss as to how to do this without spending hundreds of dollars?
Just wrote on your profile about this...YOU DON'T HAVE TO SPEND MONEYZ .
I think that you are just getting confused about the whole issue, as I don't think the size of pixels is important. You may have read somewhere about them having to be >600 (ish) pixels in width to fit onscreen without a scrollbar.