this is it i just saw this on t.v, and it sickened me. They're fascists, and they think that we should die if we don't cut carbon emissions. I mean, cutting emissions is great, and I think everyone should, but this is just taking it over the edge.
This is a rather pointless question because you're talking about the UK. And if you mean England specifically (because the UK is made from Wales, England and Northern Ireland) then you obviously don't know much about the English. I mean come on Monty Python anyone?
At the end of the day its just a joke to make the ad stick in your mind. Maybe the people exploding is a metaphor for pressure which the add kept mentioning. A build up of pressure makes you explode?
Like I said earlier, the video itself didn't make me sick. It was the whole "if you don't go green, then you suck," message they were sending.
I found the video funny. I was not offended by the blood and gore one tiny bit. I was only disturbed by the people acting high and mighty about going green.
I didnt really like the advert but I understand its point.
Regardless of the whole "the world is gonna die... uh uhh... uh huu... uh uhh etc etc etc" argument, not creating a cleaner earth is not really a choice. At some point if we dont sort our "mess" out, we will do some damage. Why does it matter that it may not be for hundreds of years. Why put off tomoro that which can be done today and aw that jazz.
Holt... poland is not part of the UK, I believe its a reference to alot of poles that have come over here in recent years... whats your angle simmons? I need to know before I get on my polish horse.