Just sayin'. There has not been one permanent thing done by a human on this Earth, to Earth. Our lives revolve around the fact that we want to be happy and make a lot of money, but what is true happieness, and if we find it, it is pointless to another human who is still searching for their happieness and vica-versa.
Not trying to be a downer here, but I just want to know what you think about the futility of being a mortal with no real purpose other than to find a personal Utopia.
If the real point in life comes after you die then why aren't you in a hurry to die? Seriously, if people really believed this crap they wouldn't go to doctors, they wouldn't take medication, they wouldn't wear seat belts or look before crossing the street. It isn't something that is honestly believed, it's a fairy tale that people hope is true because the idea that there is nothing after you die honestly sucks. It makes life way too short, but in my opinion, that is what makes it most valuable.
If you think life is pointless, then that means that your life is pointless. Life has no objective goal or reason, and there is nothing after death, nothing that could give life a reason. But your life can have a reason: the reason you give it. Life only makes sense if you give it sense. And why do I think it's reasonable that nothing comes after death? If there would be an afterlife, it would devalorize our current life. Same goes for eternal life; life would just not be so great anymore. I think death and decay are the real things that makes our existence worthwhile (death assures that life is something special, and decay assures that there is always place for new life).
Lives have meaning. It takes time to discover your life's meaning, however. The meaning of life isn't one big subject that everyone must fall under. Each person has a different meaning, and how they interpret that meaning is up to them.
You, obviously, feel that your life is purposeless thus meaning everyone else must be equally unimportant. Stop whining about the bad sh*t and do something about it.
I have to strongly disagree with your claim. First of all I would like to point out that, yes, life might be dark and damp. Terrible things go on around the world. Africa for example, they have a civil war, little girls are being raped, plus the aids pandemic. Oh my hell! And here we are in America with freedom, rights, democracy, and a right to fair trial. Every time that you say there is no meaning in life, you take what we have for granted. The meaning to life, or just mine, is to live like there's no tomorrow and help out the world. I am sorry if I sound like a jerk, but it is just what I think is right.
The point is there is no point so there is no point in NOT doing it"
I have spent too long messing my head up over the crazyness of life. Im here to spread waves, love, and slap down nippy 10 year olds with a keyboard. Im 'ard I am!
There is no assigned purpose in life, but whether or not your life has purpose is more or less up to you. You can choose to moan about how miserable and pointless life is, or, as several people before me said, you can try and make the world a better place. If you find a joy in helping people, life will be very filled with purpose. Think about it; you're happy, the people you help are happy, its a win-win situation.
there is a reason pure and true happiness, like you said "and if we find it, it is pointless to another human who is still searching for their happieness" happiness is not hard to find for most but for some its insanly impossible. i would be happy with my friends or skate boarding or i would really be happy if this girl named Ivy asked me out so u see pure happiness is not hard to find for me but the question remains what is the point of life? and the anser is happiness but wat is happiness with out friends or sports or music ETC. when ever u anser one of those types of questions another one is knoking at the door to be ansered.
Think about ants. Ants' lives are pointless, each ant is only a very small piece of a bigger community, the anthill. A single ant hasn't any importance, but thousands of ants together can build an anthill and become important. Also A men's life is pointless, but six billions of humans together make a huge community. But there's a problem. If a river floods, the anthill will be destroyed, and so the thousands of ants worked for nothing. The same will happen to humans soon or late, there isn't any chance.
I could have sworn that I posted on this earlier. I sure hope I wasn't censored.
Life is completely and utterly pointless if you look at it in terms of universal achievement. We will die, in the end we will all die. Now depending on what you believe in there may be an afterlife or not. If there is an afterlife then life is pointless. Your life is the warm-up act. If there is not an afterlife then life is pointless. What are you trying to achieve in this short space of time? You may find happiness and that may become your reason for living but it doesn't prove the fact that life has a meaning.
That being said, don't suicide kids. I'm sure my views are wrong and you'll be greeted in the afterlife by unicorns with toffee.
Sure, life can be fun at times, and you will have your sad moments... Wait, I change my mind, life does have a point, but not a sharp one. What I mean is that unless you were immortal life would be semi-pointless.
If there is not an afterlife then life is pointless. What are you trying to achieve in this short space of time? You may find happiness and that may become your reason for living but it doesn't prove the fact that life has a meaning.
I disagree. Just because the meaning we find in life is a subjective one doesn't diminish the experience any, and if this is all we have it makes having that all that more important and special.