ForumsWEPRLife is Pointless.

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Just sayin'. There has not been one permanent thing done by a human on this Earth, to Earth. Our lives revolve around the fact that we want to be happy and make a lot of money, but what is true happieness, and if we find it, it is pointless to another human who is still searching for their happieness and vica-versa.

Not trying to be a downer here, but I just want to know what you think about the futility of being a mortal with no real purpose other than to find a personal Utopia.

  • 156 Replies
145 posts

Meh, what's the point? But the true question is, why must we live with a purpose. How I love to think that life, fate, and my existence altogether are conntigencies.

439 posts

it makes having that all that more important and special.

I watched the video and I believe that he backed up my claim. He stated that "the purpose in life is to reproduce", thus life has a very base purpose. Eventually we will no longer reproduce and our life will end along with it's 'meaning'.

Your argument seemed to have no substance to it because you claimed that you disagreed and then talked about the meaning of life on an emotional scale rather than a factual one. Science makes learning fun.

collective objective purpose

Your video also mentions that the problem with the idea of the meaning of life is that people interpret the actual question differently. My view is more universal whereas I think you may be coming from a slightly more egocentric (wrong word but you get the point) viewpoint? Objective vs. Subjective.

In any case, nihilist away!
168 posts

lifes meaning is bringing others joy, and being a retard so you dont get affected by anything. but i like the fact that you try to depress us.

9,462 posts

I watched the video and I believe that he backed up my claim. He stated that "the purpose in life is to reproduce", thus life has a very base purpose. Eventually we will no longer reproduce and our life will end along with it's 'meaning'.

Why does it have to be an eternal meaning?

Your argument seemed to have no substance to it because you claimed that you disagreed and then talked about the meaning of life on an emotional scale rather than a factual one. Science makes learning fun.

In one part I was speaking of subjective meaning which can be emotionally based.
1,360 posts

Life is what you make of it, anyway I doubt you'll know it's pointless when you die, as you'll be dead. Just enjoy life while your living and stop worrying about what happens next.

29 posts

i feel sad on your view

215 posts

So basically, live life in the moment Vortex?

i feel sad on your view

Just by the way you talk, I feel like you are a robot.
9,462 posts

Eventually we will no longer reproduce and our life will end along with it's 'meaning'.

Also this wasn't just talking about our form of life but life in general. Yes it is likely that eventually this universe will not support life and it will all end. As I had asked why does the meaning to life have to be eternal? If we are speaking of the meaning in life then why should we concern ourselves with what mean life had once it's over? The value and purpose things have is based on it's current form not what form it will eventually be.
1,360 posts

So basically, live life in the moment Vortex?

Pretty much. I mean we won't find out what happens after we die atleast for another few hundred years, if ever, so why dwell on it. And even if we do find out, would it really be a good thing? Some things are better left unexplained I think, to keep some mystery to it xP
215 posts

Pretty much. I mean we won't find out what happens after we die atleast for another few hundred years, if ever, so why dwell on it. And even if we do find out, would it really be a good thing? Some things are better left unexplained I think, to keep some mystery to it xP

From Mystery comes Curiosity, and well only humans need to know why everything exists. And if we always have that Curiosity we will always want to solve that Mystery.
42 posts

Humanity has only been here for a tiny fraction of time, like a millisecond in a millenia, but we have made the largest most bloody scar on earth. There have been a coupleinnovators. Like budha or people like that. But you be who u are. You don't have to be pointless. Your life doesn't have to be pointless.

439 posts

Why does it have to be an eternal meaning?

Because the topic is 'Life is Pointless'. Not 'living' or 'my life'. I am trying to address the original topic.

If we are speaking of the meaning in life then why should we concern ourselves with what mean life had once it's over?

At that point you reflect on all the evidence garnered and make an educated decision. You don't think about it until you have been given all the evidence you can obtain.
9,462 posts

Because the topic is 'Life is Pointless'. Not 'living' or 'my life'. I am trying to address the original topic.

So just because we are talking about life in general what ever meaning life has, has to be eternal to exist?
Think of it this way the point of having a car is to get you places you wouldn't otherwise be able to reach on your own power. Eventually every car you own will break down and eventually you will grow to old to be able to drive. By your logic it's pointless to have a car to get around in because it doesn't last forever.

At that point you reflect on all the evidence garnered and make an educated decision. You don't think about it until you have been given all the evidence you can obtain.

If life is over then we wouldn't be capable of reflecting on it.
439 posts

By your logic it's pointless to have a car to get around in because it doesn't last forever.

Well yeah. If you were taking into consideration that all life eventually ends then it is pointless, overall. There may be a point in owning it so that you can save time and do jobs etc. but that point is outweighed by the fact that we all die in the end. Thus, the job and saved time is worthless and so the point is removed.

If life is over then we wouldn't be capable of reflecting on it.

Exactly. If we are unable to reflect on what life is then we are never completely able to define it's point. Due to no definite definition, it is annulled.
I feel a paradox in the waters.
9,462 posts

Well yeah. If you were taking into consideration that all life eventually ends then it is pointless, overall. There may be a point in owning it so that you can save time and do jobs etc. but that point is outweighed by the fact that we all die in the end. Thus, the job and saved time is worthless and so the point is removed.

It has a point in he here and now. The fact that it will one day end doesn't diminish that any. Like with the car it made getting some places possible, something that if the person didn't have a car they might not have had the job, the time saved may have gone to more important endeavors. Just because it ends don't diminish the point of having it in the here and now.

Exactly. If we are unable to reflect on what life is then we are never completely able to define it's point. Due to no definite definition, it is annulled.
I feel a paradox in the waters.

We are able to reflect on life as we are now though. We are able to take the evidence we have already gained and evaluate it. We don't have to wait for all the evidence, we just have to re-evaluate when new evidence comes along. Besides if all the possible evidence can only be obtained while we are alive then evidence after the fact is not evidence we can obtain.
We don't need to operate in absolutes just degrees.
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