bassically in short. some painter decided to paint a political painting of jesus getting a blowjob from another man.
the state acccepted it into the museum and now everybody including children can see it.
im against it completley.
number 1: its pornography and its abuse to show that to a child number 2: its jesus getting a blowjob from a dude number 3: the artist is mental number 4: its jesus getting a blowjob from a dude
its like the whole mosque thing in new york. sure they have the right of the first amendmant, but with that right comes responsibility. its COMPLETLEY immoral.
sure hes trying to talk about like gay marriage and stuff but come on dude really?
just because you have the right to do something doesnt mean you should. doing that to jesus is in a sense the equivolent of showing and image of Mohamed.
Why does people involve atheism with science.. religious people also rely heavily on science every single day. If atheists had science and theists had just faith to survive, I think I know who would survive longer. Atheists just lack belief in a god, no more, no less.
no it is a fact not belief. i'd like to add that i enjoy friendly debate but do not enjoy people going: I'M RIGHT AND YOUR WRONG THAT MAKES YOU A TERRORIST 'cause that's immature.
I can't lock this thread on the basis of a single flamewar, when the complainant happens to be the one who instigated the flamewar in the first place. That would set a very bad precedent, so all I can do is ask you guys to play nice and perhaps look away before you see something that can be unseen.
Yep, some lady ripped it up with a crowbar, and apparently the artist and the museum have decided not to replace the damaged portions
I can read the artist's mind here, they're saying "CHA-CHING BABY, GRANT HERE I COME!"
That said, reporting focusing on the use of "Jesus' head" is just poor. From what I can see, this series takes a swipe at a lot of cultural icons. Perhaps the discussion it provokes is as much a commentary on the people as it is the work.
i mean i respect the artist for sure though... that guy wins troll of the year for sure. there hasnt been a troll this good since the whole opra incident with the petifiles...
a terrorist action is bombing a state or city. breaking into a museum and destroying a painting that should never have been painted is justice to my religeon.
And why should it have not been painted in the first place? And actually terrorism is defined as using violence to instill fear, and usually is used to meet a religious or political goal. I don't know if I'd call this a terrorist act per se, but it definitely was vandalism.
Let's reverse the roles here. Imagine this guy painted a pro-christianity, pro-jesus thing, and some lady tore it up because she disagreed with it. Would you be upset? Would she be justified? If you say yes to those, then you show that your bias is toward Christian symbolism, not freedom of expression or upholding the law of the land.
theres no arguing that.... by your deffinition she didnt do it to install fear XD thats absurd to say so. she did it because that painting was blasphomy (like showing an image of mohhammed)
Let's reverse the roles here. Imagine this guy painted a pro-christianity, pro-jesus thing, and some lady tore it up because she disagreed with it. Would you be upset? Would she be justified? If you say yes to those, then you show that your bias is toward Christian symbolism, not freedom of expression or upholding the law of the land.
shes not justified at all. i dont support her one bit, under the american law i think she has commited a crime that was unneeded. im positive that painting would have been outa there or atleast off the news within a month. yes id be upset cause yet another athiest slanderd my religeon publically, would she be justified no.
Nothing should be to holy that it can't be made fun of.
nonono lol i make jokes all the time about everything. even christianity i dont like it when people walk up to me and tell me every thing thats wrong with my religeon. its called respect