you have got to be kidding.. Harry Potter is like Lord of the Rings for kids in elementary school. Lord of the Rings is better in every way conceivable.
Ok seriously i like harry potter lord of the rings was stupid and boring besides the only good fight scene in the last movie plus lord of the rings sucked and its was totally gay...Harry potter
Lord of the Rings by far. Actually had a good amount of drama (Which I can tell the two people above me don't like) while mixing action and a large world. And not to bad acting too.
Lord of the Rings by far...well really for me all of the books about Middle-Earth. All of the back stories and history, it can make your brain swell. I won't say Harry Potter sucks, they are an easy read, but they aren't really on the same level.
Tolkien is/was a literary genius, whilst Rowling. . .is not. HP is okay, but LOtR is a masterpiece. And I'm judging it on the books - the LOtR books kick HP's a** around the world and back.
LOTR is considered as The Best Fantasy Book ever.That's all. Harry Potter books are great, but far far far away from Tolkien's masterpiece!So far! Tolkien created a whole world whith his own languages (8) and aplhabets (3), with the family tree of almost all the main characters(Who wants to know which hobbit get married with the great-uncle of Sam Gamegie?). It's amazing how this book is homogeneous, how it's structured, everything has his own place and his whole history. So, by really really far, Lord of The Rings wins.
I like both, but each have their cons. Both have a good story and good action, but Harry potter always starts too slow, and LotR has too much boring stuff in-between that doesn't have much to do with the story.
Lotr. Harry Potter is just an immature show for small gullubale children, who go out in the woods, pick up sticks, and pretend to be Harry Potter. Besides, The lotr books way beat out JK Rowling.