I just saw the first LotR, and it was awesome. I'm now reading the books, and they are so much better than the Harry Potter ones. I used to like Harry Potter but it got too repetitive. I just didn't like the books.
I like lord of the rings better the movies atleast since I don't read much.Just because the latest LotR was great and the last HP movie well it was bad.
Lord of the Rings is way better, Harry Potter is just, just, that LOTR has more action and theres like 7 harry potters so its like, just end it already
in my honest opinion you can't actually compare the two. both have different subjects and casts. for e.g. take the wizards we don't actually see gandalf to much magical stuff he only inspires people. overall both movies are good. just that all three LOTR are good and thats not in th case of HP. then again its only my opinion
Out of these definitely LOTR, but I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned the Wheel of Time series because I find it quite compareable (sp?) to LOTR. Maybe it's just less known and there were no movies made.