You can't do notoriety. The word basically refers to ill or unfavourable fame. Having a high "notoriety level" would probably indicate horrible behaviour. I don't understand why we should have such a system when good actions will build up a negative score.
I would say that notoriety is not a bad thing going of the Merriam-Webster dictionary definition. (Although the phrase: "They are notorious for {insert bad thing here}." is used often.)
no·to·ri·e·tynoun \\ËnÅ-tÉ-ËrÄ«-É-tÄ"\\
plural no·to·ri·e·ties
Definition of NOTORIETY1: the quality or state of being notorious
2: a notorious person
Examples of NOTORIETY1. He achieved instant fame and notoriety with the release of his film.
2. She gained notoriety when nude photographs of her appeared in a magazine.
3. His comment about the President has given him a notoriety that he enjoys very much.
Middle French or Medieval Latin; Middle French notorieté, from Medieval Latin notorietat-, notorietas, from notorius
First Known Use: circa 1650
Related to NOTORIETY
Synonyms: big name, cause célèbre (also cause celebre), celeb, figure, icon (also ikon), light, luminary, megastar, name, notability, notable, celebrity, personage, personality, somebody, standout, star, superstar, VIP
Antonyms: nobody, noncelebrity
Related Words: favorite, heartthrob, hero, idol; demigod, dignitary, eminence, immortal, monument, pillar, worthy; baron, big shot, bigwig, kahuna, magnate, mogul, nabob, panjandrum
Near Antonyms: lightweight, mediocrity; has-been
Rhymes with NOTORIETY
contrariety, impropriety, inebriety, insobriety