We could have a board on the front page of who was the most liked and respected member of the month. First the mod in charge would find nominees, and then put up a poll for a couple days. Then we would see the standings. Then it would stay there until the next month, and there could be a master list of all the polls and winners. Kind of dumb, but I got it off the idea of Player of the week.
My reply is going to kinda be the same as the Player of the Week thread. It would be nice to have some mentions for certain people who deserve it; however, it shouldn't be based on polls. If statistics are going to be part of AG3's infrastructure, then this will fit alongside that perfectly. We could have HMotM in different categories (posts, merits, contributions, karma, etc.). Then, from the amount of members that received mentions from those categories, we could have a final category, named "Overall: XXXXXX" or something like that, based off the number of categories won on that month.
Based off voting alone, improvable complications could take place. Even mods have biases :S
Dunno. SOME reward would be nice. HMotM may require something more than just AP. It could be a rewarded extra stat category as "HMotM wins: 1". It can be a trophy that can be put on as an armatar. It can be recorded in an archive somewhere. Plenty of ideas. I say we speculate on different kinds of rewards.
there should also be a troll of the month (TOTM) and they have a sadface sticking a tongue at you on there profile and forum profile so you know they're trolls
Dunno. SOME reward would be nice. HMotM may require something more than just AP. It could be a rewarded extra stat category as "HMotM wins: 1". It can be a trophy that can be put on as an armatar. It can be recorded in an archive somewhere. Plenty of ideas. I say we speculate on different kinds of rewards.
I agree. Rewarding AP...is not a good thing for this because, it's too easy too. You can just tell your friends to pick you.
If you have the same people winning time after time everyone's going to lose interest. Personally I think is should be based more on 'rate ups' on posts/comments rather than recommendations. After all the title is Honorable Member of the Month.
Supposedly, if that same person kept getting multiple categories won and getting the MotM award, then yeah, people would lose interest in it. It would be very unlikely that it would happen though. People would compete for the different categories and boost activity on the site.
This thread should be looked at. I think these ideas are great on paper, but may need lots of new coding and a new piece of the site could make AG3 postponed for awhile. I like the categories ideas. Rewarding AP seems like it could turn into a bad idea and may become abused if it is rewarded too much.