After seeing jdogg's animation thread, I decided to download Pivot and give it a try.
I'm new at this, but it turned out better than I had expected. If anyone wants to try to make a better one about anything, go ahead, and feel free to post the results here.
I don't remember where I downloaded Pivot, but you should be able to find it through Google. It's a simple and FREE program.
I checked it out, looks very similar to pivot in all but one aspect. The "Push for the next frame"-button looks like it could speed things up a lot, since you can push it while moving the character. I might look into it more later.
Stykz also gives you an undo feature and the ability to change the speed of the animation (Although I might not have just overlooked that in Pivot). But, I don't think you can import sprites in Stykz.
I've always thought football (soccer, if you're American) is a really boring sport. Like, REALLY boring. So I was wondering if there was anything, except for alcohol, that could make it watchable. That's when I got an idea. What if football was played... BY NINJAS!
I don't think anyone cares if you leave it. The more dancing stickmen, the merrier.
Anyways, I've been thinking about making a longer, serious animation, but I just keep getting bored because of all the concentration it requires and the tiny, tiny, tiny changes...
So far I've done, like, a second or two...
Here's a little preview or something anyways. Really short.
Oh, crap, that's the imageshack link, not the actual picture... Oops... Well, whenever something goes wrong, blame the cat... What cat you say? Any cat will do.
Hey guys. Decided to drop by to tell you something I noticed. .gif files can be loaded into Windows Movie Maker, so if you want to add music to it and make it a .wmv file, it's a real quick and easy way to do so.
I made a .wmv with a few of my animations and uploaded it to YouTube. All of the animations I used are in this thread though, so don't expect to see anything new.