Carbon 14 is not that complex really. When cosmic rays bombard earth's atmosphere, they produce neutrons. These neutrons then collide with nitrogen atoms in the atmosphere, changing them into radioactive carbon-14 atoms. The carbon-14 is then absorbed by plants during photosynthesis. When the animals eat the plants the carbon-14 is then absorbed into there bodies, and when other animals eat that animal it is absorbed into them also. All of us have the same amount of carbon-14 in us currently and the carbon-14 slowly leaks out by turning into nitogen-14 and escaping but we, by eating, continually re-absorb it at the same rate. When an animal or plant dies the carbon still leaks out in this way but it is no longer being brought back into the body and me can measure the rate at which it leaves (the basis for carbon-14 dating) the problem with this is that all the carbon will leave any dead organism in about 11,460 years. So if we are finding this carbon in dinosaur ones and fossils these fossils can be no older than about 11,460 or else they would no longer contain carbon-14! This is why I believe that it is impossible for the millions of years necessary for the evolutionary process.
That's easily enough explained: Recent studies, however, show that 14C can be created underground. The decay of uranium and thorium, among other isotopes, produces radiation which can create 14C from 12C in a manner similar to its creation in the atmosphere. Indeed, this results from a unique decay mode known as "cluster decay" where a given isotope emits a particle heavier than an alpha particle (radium-226 is an example.)
Well if that is true then how does the 14C get into the fossils. It can't just "seep" in! and the animal is dead and unable to get it through the digestion of it so just because of the fact that 14C is create by the decay of uranium it would be unable to enter the fossils.
Well if that is true then how does the 14C get into the fossils. It can't just "seep" in! and the animal is dead and unable to get it through the digestion of it so just because of the fact that 14C is create by the decay of uranium it would be unable to enter the fossils.
*facepalm* Really? It doesn't just happen with uranium! As atoms decay they form other isotopes! Avorne told you this!
The first thing that comes to my mind is "Oh, NOW you believe in carbon dating!" The second thing is "Wow, this guy is BAT SHIT CRAZY and knows nothing about any form of science that does not involve 'seudo'". Everyone else has stolen my third thing...
I dont even know how any of this applies to or contributes to the debat please dont add comment like this! [quote]The first thing that comes to my mind is "Oh, NOW you believe in carbon dating!" The second thing is "Wow, this guy is BAT **** CRAZY and knows nothing about any form of science that does not involve 'seudo'". Everyone else has stolen my third thing...
Carbon 14 is not that complex really. When cosmic rays bombard earth's atmosphere, they produce neutrons. These neutrons then collide with nitrogen atoms in the atmosphere, changing them into radioactive carbon-14 atoms. The carbon-14 is then absorbed by plants during photosynthesis. When the animals eat the plants the carbon-14 is then absorbed into there bodies, and when other animals eat that animal it is absorbed into them also. All of us have the same amount of carbon-14 in us currently and the carbon-14 slowly leaks out by turning into nitogen-14 and escaping but we, by eating, continually re-absorb it at the same rate. When an animal or plant dies the carbon still leaks out in this way but it is no longer being brought back into the body and me can measure the rate at which it leaves (the basis for carbon-14 dating) the problem with this is that all the carbon will leave any dead organism in about 11,460 years. So if we are finding this carbon in dinosaur ones and fossils these fossils can be no older than about 11,460 or else they would no longer contain carbon-14! This is why I believe that it is impossible for the millions of years necessary for the evolutionary process.
there is more than one way to date fossils you know -.-
as everyone else is probably saying , this needs a lot more fact checking and just overall more references + facts over using fact to prove an opinion which is outdated...
And YES they do use 14C dating on fossils and many scientist have come up with muti-million year dates this is not correct though to what I have explained And also my question about how the C14 formed from the underground uranium gets into the fossils was never answered. Because the only answer to it is that it can't get into the fossils.
Here is one more thing for you guys to think about, the Magnetic field of the earth. If the earth was millions of years old then the slowly decaying magnetic field of the earth would have dissipated long ago.
I try not to be thick headed and if I am sometimes I apologies but currently you guys have given my no facts supporting evolution. I've heard many claims that there are many, but nobody seems to be bringing them to the table.
Here is one more thing for you guys to think about, the Magnetic field of the earth. If the earth was millions of years old then the slowly decaying magnetic field of the earth would have dissipated long ago.
no...all it really did was switch sides a bunch of times planets live long times there are probably still planets with magnetic fields and everything from the big bang
Here is one more thing for you guys to think about, the Magnetic field of the earth. If the earth was millions of years old then the slowly decaying magnetic field of the earth would have dissipated long ago.
everything is on a different time scale than is mortally fathomable by humans >.> it wouldn't just suddenly give out after a few million years, it has no reason to in such a short universal time frame...
And YES they do use 14C dating on fossils and many scientist have come up with muti-million year dates this is not correct though to what I have explained
Let me elucidate. C-14 dating is used to determine that the organic matter is older than 50,000 years. At this point numerous other, highly accurate, radiometric dating techniques are used to ascertain the exact date.
Scientists don't use solely one method of dating, they use many (usually at least 4) methods of varying half-lives to arrive at an accurate age. C-14 just establishes that the organic material is too old to use younger dating methods and so others are applied which are appropriate to the item being dated.
And also my question about how the C14 formed from the underground uranium gets into the fossils was never answered. Because the only answer to it is that it can't get into the fossils.
Yes, it can. Typically through water as it seeps through the rock layers. Rocks and fossils are porous, they allow molecules to pass through them. This is how external molecules are deposited.
If the earth was millions of years old then the slowly decaying magnetic field of the earth would have dissipated long ago.
No, because the motion of the magma near the earth's core sustains this field.
I try not to be thick headed
Then instead of 'trying not to be thick-headed' try to understand that we are presenting you with proven facts. It's too bad that they disagree with your religious views, but they are proven. Whether you agree with or understand them is irrelevant. They are facts.
This is where our frustration comes in because we know them to be fact, we know the evidence which proves them, and when we try to explain it to you, you simply say things like:
you guys have given my no facts supporting evolution
even though I have already done just that several times now, both by linking to informative and educational scientific materials on the subject, and by explaining them directly to you. We have presented you with overwhelming evidence, you simply refuse to accept it because it contradicts the obvious religious indoctrination which afflicts you.
Here is one more thing for you guys to think about, the
Magnetic field of the earth. If the earth was millions of years old then the slowly decaying magnetic field of the earth would have dissipated long ago.
I try not to be thick headed and if I am sometimes I apologies but currently you guys have given my no facts supporting evolution. I've heard many claims that there are many, but nobody seems to be bringing them to the table.
*twitch* The magnetic field goes through a cycle. Strong to weak and vice versa. It happens over millions of years. It's a part of how the universe works, it doesn't simply vanish forever...
And we have given facts. You just don't want to accept those facts. If you do not accept those facts then there's nothing we can do.
Yes, it can. Typically through water as it seeps through the rock layers. Rocks and fossils are porous, they allow molecules to pass through them. This is how external molecules are deposited.
I understand that the water my seep thru the fossil but this is a simple matter of size the hole that are in the fossils are simply not small enough to capture the 14C
No, because the motion of the magma near the earth's core sustains this field.
This is simply not true the magnetic field is slowly decaying.
This is where our frustration comes in because we know them to be fact, we know the evidence which proves them, and when we try to explain it to you, you simply say things like:
You need to see that the evidences that I am giving to you I believe to be facts and the evidences you present opposing mine, you see to be facts. one of us has to be wrong, and we both believe that we are right! so you cant just expect that that the other will accept everything that we are saying, what we can both hope is that we both walk away with something new to be researched and something new that we have learned.