Carbon 14 is not that complex really. When cosmic rays bombard earth's atmosphere, they produce neutrons. These neutrons then collide with nitrogen atoms in the atmosphere, changing them into radioactive carbon-14 atoms. The carbon-14 is then absorbed by plants during photosynthesis. When the animals eat the plants the carbon-14 is then absorbed into there bodies, and when other animals eat that animal it is absorbed into them also. All of us have the same amount of carbon-14 in us currently and the carbon-14 slowly leaks out by turning into nitogen-14 and escaping but we, by eating, continually re-absorb it at the same rate. When an animal or plant dies the carbon still leaks out in this way but it is no longer being brought back into the body and me can measure the rate at which it leaves (the basis for carbon-14 dating) the problem with this is that all the carbon will leave any dead organism in about 11,460 years. So if we are finding this carbon in dinosaur ones and fossils these fossils can be no older than about 11,460 or else they would no longer contain carbon-14! This is why I believe that it is impossible for the millions of years necessary for the evolutionary process.
another statement even evolutionists (or the top dog scientists) not saying they are the only ones who believe in evolution anyway they claim and state clearly c14 is inaccurate so they use several others to state how old they are if you want to discuss something discuss the other molecules
Actually it can, and I've already explained that to you. Molecular particles are found numerous times in ground water and in sediment. Through erosion, and the absorption of water into the ground (seepage) it finds its way into the rock in lower layers and deposits sediment and molecules into porous surfaces, like fossils. As I said before, this is because it is a naturally occurring isotope found all throughout our atmosphere, in our water, and in sediment.
And as I have explained before the porous bones small holes are simply far to big to capture ATOMS it would have to have holes in it smaller than atoms.
To BlackVortex I'm starting to think that you didn't read any of my links!
Nope I didn't before, but I just did. And what is that link supposed to be except a failed rage attack on atheists? All they do is quote useless bible quotes, which is, like the overused analogy everyone is getting tired of hearing, presenting lord of the rings books for proof of Orcs, and they back it all up with approximately 0% evidence of creationism, maybe even negative %. Waiting for some real evidence, unbiased too, whenever your ready...
Here is the actually definition for trolling: informal Computing send (an e-mail message or posting on the Internet) intended to provoke a response from the reader by containing errors. So as you can see I have not been trolling at all.
no actually it's the posting of something to cause a disruption in the community that brings attention to the troll itself which is basically you heres the equation
normal guy + relative anonymity + audience = troll
Here is the actually definition for trolling: informal Computing send (an e-mail message or posting on the Internet) intended to provoke a response from the reader by containing errors.
Considering hoe blatantly erroneous your statements have been...
another statement even evolutionists (or the top dog scientists) not saying they are the only ones who believe in evolution anyway they claim and state clearly c14 is inaccurate so they use several others to state how old they are if you want to discuss something discuss the other molecules
They claim it to be inaccurate to a certain point (about 60,000 years) That is why it's not used to determine the age of things older then that.
I'm sorry but this thread is getting out of hand. There's what? Ten of us debating a single person? I wouldn't have a problem with this but there's absolutely no progress what-so-ever.
I haven't given any, but If your referring to everybody else's links against you, I've seen no direct attacks against theists in any of them, just positive proof for whatever is being debated, try giving some of those links that don't start of with: One of the most sickening ploys of atheists involves trying to separate science from our Heavenly Father.
alright I don.t think it really matters when we die will all find out locaoce3 I am sorry for acting stupid if you dont accept my apology I could care less. But 1 thing is certain when we die we will find out if intellegent disign exists.
In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community
All of your posts have been inflammatory and extraneous, and, using your definition, are full of errors and are intended to provoke a response. You = troll. Quit quoting rules if you've no intention of following them yourself. That's called hypocrisy.
another statement even evolutionists (or the top dog scientists) not saying they are the only ones who believe in evolution anyway they claim and state clearly c14 is inaccurate so they use several others to state how old they are if you want to discuss something discuss the other molecules
Correct. Carbon dating IS flawed. To within just a few hundred years at most, and just a decade or less at best. However to date fossils known to be older than 50,000 - 60,000 years (the max range for C-14 dating) geologists use use other radioactive isotopes, such as potassium-40 with half-life of 1.28 billion years and Uranium-238 with a half-life of 4.47 billion years is also an effective isotope.
And as I have explained before the porous bones small holes are simply far to big to capture ATOMS it would have to have holes in it smaller than atoms.
You are incorrect in this assumption. Firstly, the porousness is on a very, very small scale. Secondly, the individual molecules are not 'captured' as you put it. They are attached to sediment found in the water. This sediment, and the water, seep into small areas in the fossil and stay there. As the water evaporates, or continues seeping down, the sediment is deposited, along with the carbon, and become absorbed into the fossil.