ForumsWEPRCarbon 14, Millions of Years is Not Possible.

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Carbon 14 is not that complex really. When cosmic rays bombard earth's atmosphere, they produce neutrons. These neutrons then collide with nitrogen atoms in the atmosphere, changing them into radioactive carbon-14 atoms. The carbon-14 is then absorbed by plants during photosynthesis. When the animals eat the plants the carbon-14 is then absorbed into there bodies, and when other animals eat that animal it is absorbed into them also. All of us have the same amount of carbon-14 in us currently and the carbon-14 slowly leaks out by turning into nitogen-14 and escaping but we, by eating, continually re-absorb it at the same rate. When an animal or plant dies the carbon still leaks out in this way but it is no longer being brought back into the body and me can measure the rate at which it leaves (the basis for carbon-14 dating) the problem with this is that all the carbon will leave any dead organism in about 11,460 years. So if we are finding this carbon in dinosaur ones and fossils these fossils can be no older than about 11,460 or else they would no longer contain carbon-14! This is why I believe that it is impossible for the millions of years necessary for the evolutionary process.

  • 163 Replies
9,462 posts

I do take issue with many of the thing that you just said first of being that Intelligent design is a religious

view, where as it is not it is a scientific view although many people who believe in it also believe in religious


Straight from a creationist's website.

Creation denotes the existence of a divine Creator who has exercised His creative abilities, creating this world

and the life-forms we see.

Now let's see what happens when we just remove the religious references and change creation to intelligent design and

creator to designer

Intelligent Design denotes the existence of a designer who has exercised His abilities, designing this world and

the life-forms we see.

Tell me does this accurately describe ID? It sure seems to me ID is just creationism in disguise. Oh yeah there is also

this bit of overt slip up.

Also you mentioned that Creationist Websites are not a good source of information! Well I am shocked, do you mean

to tell me that scientists who follow the conclusive finding of ID are not scientists and can not present accurate

information on their findings.

Yep, they aren't presenting conclusive evidence at all. They are simply using quote mines and other fallacies, and in some

cases out right lying.

And I do think that you are quite arrogant in saying that you have researched EVERYTHING presented against

evolution and found THEM ALL wrong. This is impossible.

I'll have a nice big list for you sometime late tomorrow that you can go over and everyone may feel free to use for


where did matter come from?

Matter/energy can not be created nor destroyed, it just changes from one form to another. So if it came from anywhere it

had to have come from something that started with this property, say a singularity.

and please don't just say the Big Bang because even in the Big Bang theory There was already matter there to


The Big Bang wasn't an explosion it was an expansion.

I'm asking where that matter came from. how can we get something from nothing.

we didn't we started with something. If we are defining the void of space as nothing then technically we got nothing from


Are you talking about macro evolution (natural selection) or micro evolution.

Micro and macro evolution is just evolution at different scales. Micro evolution is evolution below the level of the species. Macro evolution is evolution at or above the level of the species.
Macroevolutionary studies focus on change that occurs at or above the level of species, in contrast with microevolution,[2] which refers to smaller evolutionary changes (typically described as changes in allele frequencies) within a species or population.

What I do not agree with is micro evolution, it is not proven that one the genetic structure of an animal can gradually become more complex!

read above that's not what microevolution states.
5,001 posts

It sure seems to me ID is just creationism in disguise.

Aye! ID just calls apples, fruit instead. Whereas, creationists just call it apples. In regards to a higher being, that is.
3,085 posts

Bahh, 'Christian' scientists are often interested in proving Christianity right than objectively and without bias searching for answers. However, scientists who are also Christians generally don't have this problem. It's the distinction between being a Christian and a scientist and a Christian Scientist that matters.

107 posts

The Big Bang wasn't an explosion it was an expansion.

Don't you see that any explosion is just a rapid expansion. anyway the term does not matter call it what you would like it does not tell us where matter came from.
Here is another case where evolution of a species would not be able to work. There is a bug, resembling a large grasshopper, that lives all throughout asia, the name of it slips my mind currently, but this bug survives in all the climates and conditions that asia has to offer from the fields to the desserts to the forrest. The climate I will direct your attention to is the Himalayan mountain range where one variety of theses creatures lives. During the long and vary cold winter the bug allows itself to freeze and the only thing that keeps it alive is a special enzyme in its blood that works a lot like anti-freeze. Now you an call this an adaptation of the species for sure but this adaptation could not have worked over a millions of years time scale! If the bug was forced to move into that area it would freeze and die without giving it species a chance to evolve this special enzyme that allowed it to stay alive. So I ask all of you how was this bug able to evolve the enzyme over millions of years.
107 posts

I apologies if I left out some commas or misspelled anything.

3,085 posts

Hmm, the thing is... We have only to prove the Evolution of a few species - you have to prove that Evolution never happens... EVER.

1,482 posts

The range of carbon dating is about 60,000 years. This is because 5,700 years is a relatively short half-life ... so after about 10 half-lives, there is not enough C14 left to measure reliably.

That is why carbon dating is NOT generally used for dating fossils or rocks (which is a surprisingly common misperception) ... but only one-living tissue (from bones and wood-tools to ancient parchments and shrouds). For older objects like fossils and rocks, we use isotopes with much longer half-lives ... like potassium and lead.

yahoo answers ftw

107 posts

So Avorne do you mean to tell me that evolution can not explain how this particular species. Because I can tell you that ID can explain it and every other species.

Also the fossil record is not proof for evolution! it is a bunch of real animals, that is all we have found are the fossils of complete animals, we have not found any of the fossils that would "connect" all of the animals that we have found.

5,001 posts

Alexander, you believe the world is about 6000 years old?

107 posts

107 posts

hopefully that one will work. computer problems.

And to asherlee I believe that the earth is somewhere around 10,000 years old, so yes aprox. 6,000

9,462 posts

Don't you see that any explosion is just a rapid expansion. anyway the term does not matter call it what you would like it does not tell us where matter came from.

I see where your coming from but explosion is an inaccuracy in terms.

The difference between an explosion and an expansion is that an expansion is the stretching and extension of something that already exists, whereas an explosion is the releasing of energy caused by a chemical reaction or pressure.
The Big Bang was not an explosion because Big Bang was an expansion of time and space. Therefore, because time also started with the Big Bang, it could not have been an explosion because there was no time in which it could have been measured. Space and time are properties of the universe, so there could not have been an explosion before the universe was even created.


If the bug was forced to move into that area it would freeze and die without giving it species a chance to evolve this special enzyme that allowed it to stay alive. So I ask all of you how was this bug able to evolve the enzyme over millions of years.

Likely in the same way different color variation evolved. There may have been a few species with this enzyme trait, however the numbers may have been low since at the time this trait would not have offered any advantages. However once the environment changed, those with out this particular trait froze to death. So the trait of having the enzyme became dominant and beneficial.
There is also the possibility the enzyme was used in another way at one point.

Without knowing which species your talking about and it's evolutionary background, I can't really give you a real specific answer. So what I typed is really just an educated guess.

Hmm, the thing is... We have only to prove the Evolution of a few species - you have to prove that Evolution never happens... EVER.

Really we would only need to prove it in just one species.
3,437 posts

Your sources are not credible. Allow me to give you a video to help disprove your falwed reasoning of a young earth.

May I humbly present: Common Reason

107 posts

Likely in the same way different color variation evolved. There may have been a few species with this enzyme trait, however the numbers may have been low since at the time this trait would not have offered any advantages. However once the environment changed, those with out this particular trait froze to death. So the trait of having the enzyme became dominant and beneficial.
There is also the possibility the enzyme was used in another way at one point.

I see where your coming from but why would the few bugs have ever developed the trait in the first place. as you said there would have been know use for it. so thus the animal would never have been forced to develop it.
5,001 posts

For future reference, use the blue "Link" button. You paste the link, then give it a title:


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Alexander, briefly, what is your argument against the notion of using isotopes in terrestrial and extraterrestrial rocks to determine the billions of years earth and the rest of the universe have been around?

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