Poop everyone does it and all we do is waste it, but what if we recycled it? The Japenese have been recycling poo by extracting protein and mixing it with soya and flavouring it with steak sauce, with the end result being a "sh*t burger".
My question is do you think that all countrys should be developing somesort of recycle program, if done correctly if could really take over the beef industy and stop the use of cattle which contribute to the green house gas effect for all you hardcore enviromentilists, also would you eat it, and what other products do you think we could use to make poo, the Chinese are already making bricks and glass from it, Personaly I wouldn't have a problem with eating poo steak. Source:
While there are many applications for feces I do wonder of the nutritional value of a fecal patty. After all, it is just the waste that our bodies didn't want. After a trip through the intestines and letting all that wonderful bacteria in there pick at it I doubt that there would be any real benefit to us by eating it.
Oh, and humans have been using fecal waste as an insulator, construction material, and fertilizer for a very, very long time. Mixed with the pieces of wheat and corn stalks which we don't need it makes an excellent insulator for thatched buildings or in the cracks in residences within rocks and caves.
Even if by some miracle someone assured me that it was 100% safe and even better for me than anything else I could eat, I would probably still have a big problem with eating human or even animal waste, it's just yucky. Like Freakenstien mentioned, I just don't think I could eat someone else's feces. I don't even know If I could eat my own.
I've got a small vermiculture system in my back yard where I give worms any organic waste that I have lying around(the worms then eat the bacteria on the decaying matter and create a very efficient fertilizer), and while I've heard of people putting human waste in their worm bins, I don't know that I would do it since I use the fertilizer for food crops. There are probably a load of regulations(at least where I live in the US and probably everywhere else too) about not using human waste for fertilizer, even if it were heated at high temperatures. There's just so much risk for contamination. And this is just from fertilizing food that you plan to eat with it, I can't even begin to imagine the consequences of actually eating the stuff.
I realize in the article it was created for research purposes, but it wasn't too clear if they would actually be able to sell it, and if they did, I really am curious if anyone would eat it regularly. I'm sure a few people would go for the shock factor or use it as a practical joke, but I just can't see anyone picking up meat made of feces for their Sunday night dinner.
Poo is waste. It is all the stuff your body didn't use up on the way down. Why would you want to put stuff your body didn't use in the first place BACK in your body?
Poo is waste. It is all the stuff your body didn't use up on the way down. Why would you want to put stuff your body didn't use in the first place BACK in your body?
There is a small amount of nutritious material that does get passed. I think the biggest problem would be in sterilizing it given the number of harm bacteria that can be contained in human fecal matter.
There is a potential industy if we can just convert it cheap, if you gave someone a steak and a poo steak with out telling them there wouldnt be a big difference of taste.