Every time I've seen one of your *cough cough* threads, I've been too late! It was already locked. But now...muahahahahaha.
Just like you can't dig yourself out of a hole!
What? Okay, either you've missed something out and that wasn't intended to be your first sentence, or you have no idea how to make your point. I'm betting on the second. Here's a tip; the comma helps when two sentences are connected, otherwise you get all this nasty confusion and mean people on the internet will exploit it during their argument....
We can't spend our way out of debt!
The government isn't spending the money, we are. And since you're using that "hole" analogy so nicely, allow me to take it one step further.
Say the government is one big hole in the middle, that will stand for the present debt America is in(I'll get to the trade deficit later). Now, let's assume that "digging" = spending money. So, taking your debt hole analogy and running with it, in order for us to be out of debt, all the holes have to be filled. So, in order to fill the government hole, we have to get some more dirt(cash) from somewhere else. But where? I'll tell you where; the citizens will dig(spend) and a portion(taxes) of the dirt(money) that they dig(spend) will go to the hole in the middle(the government) to fill it. In return, those citizens' holes created by their spending will be filled with dirt by the companies who hire them, digging(spending money) to keep them under their employ, and the dirt the companies dig(spend) will go to the employees. And those companies are sponsored by the government, who gives them dirt, so it's all just one big circle. Sitting on our asses not spending and not doing anything is not going to fill any holes, thank you very much.
We need to cut spending
Government spending? Sure, I can agree with you there. People spending? Not so much, people spending money is exactly what we need, as long as they actually have the money to spend.
and borrow less.
Well...not exactly. As long as the money is paid back, I don't see any reason why we shouldn't borrow. Borrowing and then paying back the money is better than doing nothing at all, or working for the money is also good. However, sometimes you need money to earn money, and once you've used that money you borrowed to earn money, you can thus use that money to pay back your debt before the interest builds up.
Why is the governments accounting different then our accounting!
It's actually not the accounting that you need to worry about(to be honest...accounting is accounting), it's the trade and budget deficits.
13.9 trillion dollars is over the top.
Just so we all can be sure...please provide a link. It's just a good habit to get into.