1. Our closed beta process will begin in the morning Our closed beta users have already been chosen. Chances are excellent that if you haven't already heard from us by now on an official basis, you won't be in the closed beta. The closed beta group will help with some core testing, which may be as boring as following a list of instructions or a list of things to test for functionality. Their testing will last as long as it takes to get some basic portions of the site working 100% perfectly. Only then will we start the open beta.
2. Our open beta sign-up page will go live sometime between 10am and 6pm The public beta sign-up page will be at http://beta.armorgames.com/. On that page, you'll only need to enter your Email address. I highly recommend you use the same Email address as your AG2 account, so we can synchronize your account settings easier, and it won't make sense to register multiple Email accounts because beta testers who do not reply to their invite codes will get dropped from the beta. We will not manually add anyone to the list. If you want in, you have to add yourself. I expect it will be some time in the morning, United States Pacific (California) time, but we might need longer to get everything synchronized.
3. We will send out messages on Twitter letting people know that AG3 Beta is starting I highly recommend you follow these Twitter accounts for updates: - @armorgames - this is the official Armor Games twitter feed where we announce new games being released, but we'll also announce on here when the beta sign-up page is live. I don't know how much else we'll say on this Twitter account about the beta. - @cormyn - this is my personal Twitter account (well, one of them), where I will be posting information about the beta process once we get started. I expect to be pretty verbose about what we're working on, things that are working, etc.
We'll probably tell our closed beta users not to say too much publicly about AG3 until someone from AG says it first.
We don't expect the closed beta to go on very long before we start inviting people who signed up after the 8th.
If it will be 10 am when it starts, I will JUST then be getting out of the mini online class block. So darn. I will have to do it either on my phone, or when I get home from school. Crap.
Guy, honestly, don't stay up til 3am to register. We're not likely to get 100,000 people register for the beta, or if we do, it won't all be on the first day of signups.
Even if all of our active forum users signed up in the first couple of days, we'll probably STILL need more beta users as we get closer to the final launch of AG3.
What I gathered is that 1000 hrs PST is the earliest that the registration may be available, not that it will be available at precisely that time.
Guy, honestly, don't stay up til 3am to register.
Although, Cormyn, you should be proud to work for a site with members dedicated enough to endure sleep deprivation just to be among the first to see all the hard work you and the other webdevs have been doing!
To be fair, we just helped everyone figure out their timezone to see when the (earliest) time for beta would start. I wouldn't want to be responsible for guys up to ungodly night hours to sign up when they are going to be registered a day later lol
Back in my day we didn't have any of this sign up page nonsense...why I was handpicked by the great DanMcneely himself to test AG2 when it was in beta!!
Those were the days, before all of this rubbish about timezones...and talk of staying up until 3.30am for the release...