Hey everyone, quick update on what's happening next Monday, November 22, 2010. All times are Pacific Standard Time, which is where Los Angeles, California is.
At 9am, I'll be marking all beta registrations to receive their invite codes later in the day. Any beta registrations that come in after 9am will have to wait for our week 3 release on December 6th.
We'll be rolling out some changes to the live beta site and verifying that the code works as intended and doing lots of internal testing.
In the afternoon, when we feel the code base is tested enough, we'll send a newsletter to all users who registered for the beta, even after the 9am cutoff. This newsletter will explain more about what we've been working on, what's in the new release, that sort of thing.
Once that newsletter is sent, I'll work on getting invite codes sent out to everyone who registered before 9am that day, and those users can begin helping with what we'll be calling our "open beta." The Email you'll receive with your invite code will explain what we need from you as beta testers.
It's important to note up front that several things will seem "missing" from the site, such as the forums, leaving comments, rating the games, that sort of thing. Some user profile settings may be available, but as we've already explained, changes you make on beta may get overwritten if you change your AG2 profile later.
The full details of what's going in the beta release, and what major pieces of the site are still missing will be detailed in the newsletter.
Other than questions of "what's in the release" or "what's missing from the release", are there any questions about the process or what will be happening next Monday?
It's a good idea to take what I say with a grain of salt at this moment since I like to kid. No use doing what you just did though. It's verrry important to keep cool.
Auto-login for games is enabled. For games which support the feature, if you're logged into the beta site, it should pass those credentials through the game for saving your progress or content.
Hmm, I like that. I hated having to login ingame because of my atrociously long jumbled mess of a pass word.
beta is live, invite codes are being sent. If you DON'T get your invite code, check your spam folder. If you still haven't received it by Tuesday morning (California time), you can send me an Email (cormyn[at]armorgames.com) and I'll see what I can do.
I'd rather have us enjoy the BETA than just be bored and find all this bugs, which is even worse than AG 2.0.
I would say "you are in beta you got a job to do" but you can also enjoy the site while prowling for certain things that catch your eye. It's a good idea to be skeptical at all times--test everything out, even though you may think it will work or if it has worked in the past. Like the glitches with 2.0, these bugs can be unpredictable and conspicuous.
Considering the newsletters haven't even gone out yet, I have my doubts on the open beta being launched today.
Thanks for the vote of confidence ... (
Guys, seriously, please re-read my messages. All of our beta releases will happen during the course of our work day, which is from 8:30am to 5:30pm, California time.
I also said I'd post back in this forum message when the invite codes were being sent, which I've done.
It's a little demoralizing to hear negative feedback like this when I hadn't even posted the launch message here, or to get hounded via Email *already* when I've said not to Email me until tomorrow morning if you don't get your invite code.
the dark blue looks SOOO much cooler than the light blue. It has that "evil and dark" feel to it. I also love the hexagons in the background of the game pictures. Other than the ads that's the only thing i've seen so far, so yeah, it's awesome.