READ GENESIS 6 BEFORE YOU POST- ITS EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT OR THROW AWAY. genesis 6 talks about mighty men or the men of renown. big people- 6 fingers 6 toes- fallen angels mated with earth women and gave birth to giants
Is it safe to conclude that with no scientific evidence availible in this discussion from those asserting the calim that the pyramids were built by giants (which is perposturous), and "biblical proof" that this thread is dead?
@Ash's post: Let's not forget 2000, 2001, and the future 2012... The scary part is that I lived through that and I could feel the tension with those kinds of groups...
wolf, I said something to that affect 2 pages back. Let me quote myself:
Alas the thread persists. Even now, I, humble Wolf allow the virulent flood of this thread to expand ever outward to the frothing interconnect webspace that endevours us all to be but on tiny speck among the outher specks in this vast place.
gigantism could be because giants mated with humans years ago and the gene affects some people with giant ancesestors maybe but i really dont know and the bible is not proof of anythin
gigantism could be because giants mated with humans years ago and the gene affects some people with giant ancesestors maybe but i really dont know and the bible is not proof of anythin
We have a pretty good grasp on what causes it, as explained already in this thread.
He says it's the only way to explain the Egyptian Pyramids since there's no other way except by Giants who used hand-axes to carve the stones, and there hand-axes were like 5 times the size of normal so they were 5 times the size as humans!!!
Wait- you are saying that pre-bipedalism and pre-improved human brains were not only able to lift tones, make tools themselves, and all that but they also listened to normal humans AND lived along side humans in the DESERT and that although human Egyptian bones have been found the easier to spot giant bones have not and that even though the Egyptians drew on the walls there is no images of giants doing building the pyramid or anywhere and that there were giants in South America as well? Even the alien stories are more likely than that BS...