Also isn't it a bit contradictory to expect the general public to be on average stupid but educated enough to make good decisions?
Even if the general public was, at average, stupid, we should not make regulations to protect them from their own mistakes for the following reasons.
1. There are many regulations that harm smart people who know how to handle situations and objects that are being regulated. An example would be marijuana. Many people are able to smoke marijuana, stay off the roads, and to keep away from other drugs and alcohol.
2. We can't wrap the world in a protective foam that prohibits the intelligent from entering doorways to exciting worlds, merely to cater to dumb people.
3. Some people do dumb things despite knowing the risk. Therefore, they are not dumb due to lack of information, but dumb in the sense they make bad decisions. Shouldn't we be allowed to make bad decisions?
Without such standards we wouldn't be able to be sure what is or isn't safe to eat.
The people buying this food signed a waver. They are well aware that there may be risks to eating raw food. Some of them may not believe those risks to be true, but others simply take their chances. If you go into a small shop and they are selling home made jams, should the government be allowed to tell them they aren't allowed to sell the jams because they are not properly labeled? What if the government decides it should be illegal to sell home grown fruits and vegetables?
I believe we should have the ability to buy products that are not approved by the government. If the government is to get involved at all, I believe they should make it so you have to inform your buyers if your product has or has not been approved by the government or FDA or whatever. That's fair, those willing to take risks can take their risks, and those who want to make sure their food is safe, can buy from foods they know were approved by the FDA. If people eat food that is not approved by the government and get sick because they didn't know better, that's too bad.
Oh yeah, also, most people
aren't stupid. Only half of them, the conservative half. Or wait, only the liberal half. I forget which one.
The world isn't black and white and even if one side has evidence, people should have a right to be wrong, shouldn't they? Sometimes, the people who are said to be wrong, are somewhat right. Sometimes, they want to use something that is commonly abused or bad for something good, but can't. Who knows? I can tell you who doesn't, the government.