So. How do you guys feel about population control? Is it ethical? Is it logical? Is it necessary? What kind of population control do you think would work best, if any at all? Can I haz cookie?
Sure! If you can no longer make use of yourself, at that point you burden the rest of the planet with taking care of one more person that does nothing to advance his situation.
If you live to be 90, which is a very small percent of the population of Earth, then you should consider yourself lucky you lived that long at all. It then becomes time for you to give work to the coroners (sp) and die in due course. The bible says that the average lifespan of a human should be around 70 years. If you have lived to be ninety or older, you have passed the average by twenty years. Congrats. Now it is time for you to be with the maker in Heaven, or HeII depending on if you were of the Faith or not.
When I said that people over 90 should go, I was merely hypothosising that when a person reaches a certain age, they no longer have a pivotal point in society.
Yes, well most people below the age of 5 aren't particularly useful for anything are they?
There is plenty of land, food, and water on Earth and for that reason we don't really have a reason to worry.
If people are worried about space on earth, get rid of cemeteries. They take up wayyyyy too much space. If you really want to remember the people, cremate and stick em in an urn and put them on the fireplace. Just sayin. That would take up alot less space and wouldn't be as.... bad as killing off people. Just move the already dead people.
Yes, well most people below the age of 5 aren't particularly useful for anything are they?
Yes, but they haven't had a real chance to be useful yet. Plus the little children are a huge finacial responsibility, causing the parents to get a job to pay for the kid.
Plus the little children are a huge finacial responsibility, causing the parents to get a job to pay for the kid.
Not in all cases, and what's with your obsession around forcing labor? I'm not particularly partial to people who live on welfare but I'm strongly against killing them. As I stated before this isn't even a huge problem meaning your idea falls closer to diabolical than useful.
If you really want to remember the people, cremate and stick em in an urn and put them on the fireplace.
Problem with cremation is pollution and sometimes, mercury. Therefore, I support that method of freeze-drying bodies, which also results in a fine powder. Though I don't support wasting miles of space bury remains.
I honestly don't see any purpose in killing yourself only because you've lived to an advanced age. I see it more as an opportunity to do more with your life, quite possibly benefiting others. Not every ninety year old is confined to a rest home.
You make the assumption that people who are over 90 are of no use to society and some others, but this is the most blatant. If they are, meaning if people value their life or they are able to support themselves, then they will be able to survive on their own.
It is not for you to decide whether someone should "consider themselves lucky" they have lived X amount of years. You obviously have no personal experience living that long (I don't either). Therefore, you cannot claim to know what they should do better than they should. An individual should trust no one more than themselves; this in no way condones murder, but it is only that an individual is the one who is aware of their own decisions.
You don't pay attention to the news very often do you.
Not only could we fit the entire population on the Earth comfortably in the United States, we produce enough food for everyone on Earth to consume more than 2,000 Calories per day, plenty to survive.
So you believe we're going to be able to survive a long time if we're gaining more than twenty-million people per year?
Twenty million really isn't that much, space and water aren't problems leaving on the question of food. Genetically modified plants and various indoor farming techniques can element that problem as well.
I've read that by 2050 we're going to be gaining about 90million people a year and that's close to 1/6 our population right now so think about gaining that many people in just one simple year.
Technology is advancing at a breakneck pace, we've always coped with population growth in the past and I don't doubt we will in the future. May I also add that "no plants" assumes that we will continue to grow the way we are now, there's a decent chance we will either build up or down much more frequently as we continue to grow.
The problem comes down to the way we manage ourselves. Humans are humans, the way we live now needs drastic changing if we ought to maximize the amount of people we can comfortably support. There's plenty of land available. Technology will always be of immense aid.