So. How do you guys feel about population control? Is it ethical? Is it logical? Is it necessary? What kind of population control do you think would work best, if any at all? Can I haz cookie?
I agree that I am a hypocrite and a troll. I never said I wasn't. If that makes my level of authenticity go down in any way, I will make changes in due course. It seems to me that the world needs a scapegoat, and depending on what thread I am in, I like to fill the position. In Christian threads, I am the Christian who gets flamed, because what is an debate if everyone agrees? In this thread I become the soulless murderer in favor of killing the population to make earth a less populated place. If you wish to make me less of a factor, by all means flame me until I am just a broken shell, but when I am gone there will just be another person who disagrees with you and therefore forces you to make them feel weak and insufficient. I play the scapegoat, so you don't have to make other people with weaker skin become me.
Japan, for instance, is very close to that mark. They have to demolish old buildings and build new ones over that area just to house new people. Their buildings are also right next to each other, packed. A building with two floors and 4 bedrooms is very uncommon there.
Oh and to clarify the point of the cross on my profile, it says next to it "lace this on your profile if you believe in Jesus". I placed that cross on there because I do believe in Jesus, as a man and as an all powerful figure in history. I didn't place it there to say I am a die hard Christian or to say that I am an amazingly brazen hypocrite. I put it there because Jesus lived and died, and may have risen again. If you want to challenge any of that last statement be my guest.
Ethical, No. Logical, Yes. I agree with CommanderDude. If we tried mroe in the development of space travel/living, we wouldn't have a need for population control. If we DID have most people living in space, then we could kind of shut off Earth.... Keep it as some time of exclusive vacation spot or something. We could keep Earth safe!
@Moonfairy Eh Im more in favor of it being a monument to humanity so everyone knows where we came from. Otherwise earth might become one of those gated communites.
Until today, I had never met a willing scapegoat, thank you for the opportunity.
You are welcome. No matter what you say to me, I have heard crap like it before, so I really won't care. This being the internet it is not as potent as real conversations so it makes it easier to shrug it all off.
There are too many weaknesses associated with going into space for it to be a strong alternative. i.e. A meteor which would most likely break apart in to minuscule pieces, if not disintegrate in our atmosphere, would deliver crippling strikes to orbital platforms. One would need a super strong/light material for this to be an alternative.
That can't be all of Japan. There have to be some rural areas, no?
As small as Japan is, half of it is not usable (mountains). Some of the rural areas are conservation and historical areas that aren't permitted to build on.
as of now? no. Population control is not necessary. Eventually, our species will over-inhabit the planet. We must then have some form of control. Until we become an extra-terrestrial species, this will be an ever-looming issue to our continuity.
There are too many weaknesses associated with going into space for it to be a strong alternative. i.e. A meteor which would most likely break apart in to minuscule pieces, if not disintegrate in our atmosphere, would deliver crippling strikes to orbital platforms. One would need a super strong/light material for this to be an alternative.
Ever seen that Air force commercial? No? Well here it is. Things like that would be awesome.
Otherwise earth might become one of those gated communities.
Well people would have to live their in order to keep some type of order in the system so that way humans can still live there without being killed by animals. We would have to find that balance between us and nature, Where our technology wouldn't harm the rest of the environment.
Even if technological solutions, sustainable resource management and reasonable population control (no forced abortions) is implemented, sooner or later we will have to deal with this dilemma. Unless a majority of mankind is killed off somehow. I am no supporter of killing everyone in Africa to control population.
The best I can think of at the moment is to buy enough time (with the aforementioned) to allow a much more permanent solution to be formed. One possible solution lies beyond the earth, though we can't say much until we find habitable planets and the means of travelling to those planets exists.
Valkery said that if you're 90 you should go. Didn't Hitler practice that? It is a terrible idea to take someone elses life just because you don't consider them "fit" to live in your utopia you plan to build.
When I said that people over 90 should go, I was merely hypothosising that when a person reaches a certain age, they no longer have a pivotal point in society. At some age they stop being a asset to society and become a burden. If making a person die at 90 is wrong, then is pay ing out several thousand dollars a year to a person louging in a chair while their brains melt out their ears is a good thing?
Now, there are certainly some exceptions. Betty White for example, and other people like her who have long been past the prime of life and yet still play a roll in society. If you set an age where everyone dies unless they still function in society, then it would push all of the senior citizens to help their community to be a better place rather than whining and complaining about medicare and medicaide getting cut for the umpteenth time. It forces them to go out and provide a sevice to the community or a private practice to earn a small wage and keep living.