Our next beta release, code named Falchion, will launch on Monday, December 6, 2010.
The standard times apply, and are all in Pacific Standard Time, which is where Los Angeles, California is. To convert it, you can visit this time zone site.
At 9am, I'll be marking all NEW beta registrations to receive their invite codes later in the day. Any beta registrations that come in after 9am will have to wait for our next release on December 20th.
We'll be doing lots of internal testing before we roll out any code to the live beta site, and as usual, I will post our progress on my twitter feed.
In the afternoon, when we feel the code base is tested enough, we'll send our next beta newsletter to ALL beta users. This newsletter will explain more about what we've been working on, what's in the new release, that sort of thing.
The newsletter Email you'll receive with your invite code will explain what we need from you as beta testers.
Once that newsletter is sent, I'll send out any invite codes for new beta signups up to 9am that morning.
It's important to note up front that several things will seem "missing" from the site, such as the forums, etc. This is to be expected, because we're rolling out the beta in phases where we add new features every two weeks.
The full details of what's going in the beta release, and what major pieces of the site are still missing will be detailed in the newsletter.
not much to tweet about today, gonna be a busy week though, so I might be quieter in the forums while we get some stuff built and tested for Thursday/Friday's bug checking/QA process.
Well I bet it will be a busy week for you. You have to set up the beta for the next release then send out all those emails. It takes a lot of patience to go through all that. That's unless you really like you job. =)
I think I bumped everyone up to 15 to get around the session bug. But now that it's fixed, we'll probably set everyone back to 5.
I'm still confused, so do all beta testers have infinite log ins on all betas? And the beta logged me out every time I closed the browser, is that supposed to happen?
It is kind of weird but when I get my beta test I will be waiting in Los Angelas airport for a light to Sydney,Australia. I can test it then I hope. Anyway I am so PUMPED!
kacboy, if you have to use your invite code every time, then your browser is clearing cookies, which you need to turn off. You have limited activations on the invite code.
Registering over and over is a waste of time, folks. We told you in the forums and pretty sure it's in the Email with the invite code that if you need more activations to just ask me for more, and I'll handle them on a case-by-case basis.
Everyone should have plenty of activations left. It'll tell you when you run out.
Also, we may do the release on Tuesday instead of Monday. James and I have been sick, so we're a little behind on work, so we'll test like crazy on Monday morning and see that everything's working as expected, but just to be safe, we're going to SAY our release is on Tuesday. We might still surprise you and release Monday, dunno.
Also, we may do the release on Tuesday instead of Monday. James and I have been sick, so we're a little behind on work, so we'll test like crazy on Monday morning and see that everything's working as expected, but just to be safe, we're going to SAY our release is on Tuesday. We might still surprise you and release Monday, dunno
Well, James was pretty ill today but game into the office this afternoon to get a laptop to work from home for the weekend, maybe get caught up.
I'm a little behind on a few things 'cause I've had a *really* bad cold for several weeks and a cough that won't go away, but nothing I'm working on impacts what you guys will see (it's all admin tools for me this release).
what time will you send the email? last time i got it a little late (probably in the middle of the night, it was there in the morning). is that because you guys are on the west coast? (i'm on the east)