Our next beta release, code named Falchion, will launch on Monday, December 6, 2010.
The standard times apply, and are all in Pacific Standard Time, which is where Los Angeles, California is. To convert it, you can visit this time zone site.
At 9am, I'll be marking all NEW beta registrations to receive their invite codes later in the day. Any beta registrations that come in after 9am will have to wait for our next release on December 20th.
We'll be doing lots of internal testing before we roll out any code to the live beta site, and as usual, I will post our progress on my twitter feed.
In the afternoon, when we feel the code base is tested enough, we'll send our next beta newsletter to ALL beta users. This newsletter will explain more about what we've been working on, what's in the new release, that sort of thing.
The newsletter Email you'll receive with your invite code will explain what we need from you as beta testers.
Once that newsletter is sent, I'll send out any invite codes for new beta signups up to 9am that morning.
It's important to note up front that several things will seem "missing" from the site, such as the forums, etc. This is to be expected, because we're rolling out the beta in phases where we add new features every two weeks.
The full details of what's going in the beta release, and what major pieces of the site are still missing will be detailed in the newsletter.
It'll be today. We're finishing up the last of our QA and then a quick bite to eat (though on release day we just eat at our desks anyway). Maybe another hour or two, then the newsletter and invite codes will go out to everyone.
John picked today to deliver his Christmas gifts to the rest of us today, which slowed us down a little first thing this morning... but we put them away after ~30min to get back to work. We're all looking forward to pelting each other with airsoft BB's later today.
First it's remote control helicopters, then remote control tanks...you guys like those things too much! I personally like the remote control gravity trucks
I've been experiencing the busiest period ever at work right now combined with a ferm cold attacking my system, so I've been juggling to get everything done AND check the beta in between, so that's why I've been quiet a bit... in case anyone was wondering...
A bit is a bit of an understatement....Kidding! Kidding. I like to poke fun.
Yeah, Dan stuck his arm in front of one of the tanks and it left a mark. We can easily shoot clear across our office with them. Apparently they have about an 80-foot range.
Now all you guys need are a few of the USB rocket launchers from ThinkGeek and you'll be able to properly defend the office, as well as keep everyone firmly under the iron thumb of a military dictatorship XD
Where did you see the Wizard of Oz text? That was supposed to be removed.
I lol'd. yeah this was a while back, but I'm still chuckling on how funny and random that was. And no Ian, I still haven't told anyone about the machine
Now all you guys need are a few of the USB rocket launchers from ThinkGeek and you'll be able to properly defend the office, as well as keep everyone firmly under the iron thumb of a military dictatorship XD
i had these before. they are not bad, but they need to make them silent.