Do you think aliens are real? personally I do. While they might no be the little green men who say "take me to your leader", chances are that somewhere in the universe, there is other forms of life. There might even be life in our own galaxy! Considering just how massive galaxies are and how many galaxies are in the universe, chances are that Planet Earth is not the only planet that contains life. So give me your thoughts on extra-terrestrials!
If you ignore the alien speak and focus on how he talks about humanity's problems then I think he is bang on.
The way this guys talks about humanities problems seem to largely focus on conspiracy theories.
The way he talks about the different alien races is kinda un-nerving, either cos he is crazy and truly crazy people make me nervous, or because he is right.
I'm finding it about at unnerving as a preacher going on about God's wrath. Which is about what it amounts to.
The way this guys talks about humanities problems seem to largely focus on conspiracy theories.
The problems he speaks of are very real and digressing into personal conspiracy theories does no good. It almost feels like an "aliens will save us" speech but after listening to the whole thing he actually wants humanity to stand up for itself, granted against outside aggressors, but either way the point is a strong one.
He is not preaching about aliens wrath. What he speaks of is deals that have been struck with the pirate elements of an alien community. I find the whole thing hard to believe but it certainly has more substance than god.
Really it would be kinda weird if humans were only smart breed in hole universe. And at least there is other life, scientist had found microbs in Mars...But yet we havent saw intelligent aliens...
The problems he speaks of are very real and digressing into personal conspiracy theories does no good. It almost feels like an "aliens will save us" speech but after listening to the whole thing he actually wants humanity to stand up for itself, granted against outside aggressors, but either way the point is a strong one.
I would be a good point if it wasn't a false dichotomy. There is no us and them, it's all us. On an individual basis he might have a point, but that seems to be really reading into it.
He is not preaching about aliens wrath. What he speaks of is deals that have been struck with the pirate elements of an alien community. I find the whole thing hard to believe but it certainly has more substance than god.
Not really finding much of a difference between if we don't do X you go to hell and if we don't do X alien pirates take over. Considering he resorted to getting his info from telepathic communications, prompted that we should pray, and harped on about souls, not seeing a huge difference there either. How are fifth density telepathic aliens souls any different than god in terms of credibility?
And at least there is other life, scientist had found microbs in Mars.
No we haven't, though there is a possibility of finding fossilized microbes.
itseriosly may be possible. we have no idea. The universe is vast! Though these aliens may not have our form or needs nitrogen and oxygen to survive but im sure there is SOME form of aliens. as big as planets?smaller than molecules?gas?liquid?solid?moves as fast as light?unmoving?WE DONT KNOW!!! But im sure there is some life out there.
I heard from someone that bacteria has been found on Mars, there's aliens for you. As for intelligent life, the universe is so big there's an amazingly good chance that intelligent life does exist, in fact there's a good chance they might be smarter than us. As for all that UFO nonsense, that's all just people trying to get rich by faking something or something easily explainable, like aurora borealis. People who claim to have met aliens are probably fakers again trying to get rich. But aliens do exist somewhere (actually I already mentioned that they exist on Mars) and somewhere there is something intelligent.
Of course they aren't real... we just made up the ideas of flying objects and abductions and the references too them in just about EVERY single ancient culture there ever was. Nope. No aliens.
yes definitely since space is infinite (in theory) so is the planets if there is life on earth there must be life somewhere else out there maybe not intelligent but life none the less