ForumsWEPRYour Ideal Family

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1,322 posts

this is just a topic that I'm curious about.... call it a social experiment if you must label it. I would like to ask that for all those who are willing... would you please tell me your ideal family. would you be married? is there a specific number of children you would like to have? do you even want either? if so... what genders and when, if any, would you prefer? ...or do you care?

I personally would like to end up with a wife and at the minimum... 2 kids... one of each gender... but i wouldn't be upset if 2 or 3 or more just kind of "happened". I don't have a preference for the birth order of the children

  • 20 Replies
9,504 posts

I would be married to another woman with the same occupation as me, with 5 children with random genders. I don't really...know much about children to prefer a gender over another. I would like the 1st born to be a boy. I dunno why though. Paternal pride?

3,086 posts

I would be married for the sake of cultural tradition I suppose, though marriage has lost it's hold and strength over time. Three kids or one. My Reason for that is because having two kids seems foreign to me growing up with two brothers. Three kids I would want to be two boys one girl. If it could only be one i'd like one child to be a boy. (because I can understand them, being a guy.).

with the same occupation as me

1,360 posts

planning your life like that is kinda..... feminine.

9,434 posts

It's not particularly feminine, lots of more mature guys have some distant idea of where and how they'd like to end up. :P Probably more common for girls/women, though.

Personally I'd just want a special someone. Married if she(or unlikely he) wanted to be. Doubt I'll want kids. Don't generally plan my future, though, so who knows.

1,255 posts

In my ideal family, I wouldn't be married or have any kids. In fact I would prefer no intimate connections. I am not sure why, it is just that I don't see myself handling that type of situation very well.

240 posts

I want a wife, or just a partner, whatever it ends up being. I don't really want to have to take care of some annoying-pain in the *** kids... but I guess since they will be my kids, I will love them and i wont let them be annoying and stupid.

Plus, there are too many retards and morons around that are repopulating, I gotta have kids so we can have some more smarter, intelligent people around in the future....

4,871 posts

I'd like to get married a few years after graduating college, lets say between the ages of 22-25. I would love to marry a girl named Sam and have three children all named Sam but that's less reality and more ideological. I just want a wife with the same intelligence, values, etc. plus two or three kids, at least having one of each gender.

26,390 posts

Ehh...I guess I'd want to get married after residency(yes, doctor) so I'd be in my early thirties or late twenties. Two kids, one of each gender. As for the spouse, someone intelligent but nice...other than that, I guess I'll know when I meet them? Hah.

three children all named Sam

Reading that, this one skit came into my head.
Warning: Some Vulgar Language
928 posts

I'm 30 year old trapped inside of a 19 year old. I want a faithful wife, 3 kids, a well paying job. A huge house, and a nice car.

2,513 posts

I would want to have an attractive wife, preferably named Alexandra (but it doesn't really matter, it's just the name of a girl who I've liked for 2 years, and she's basically all of the following, and whom I think is good-looking), who's intelligent and fun to talk to, with good qualities like cooking and cleaning. I'd want to have 2 kids as well, both intelligent, and understand that if they ever screw up in their lives I won't be there for them. Lol. But that's basically it. Having more than 2 kids would seem a little out of hand.

15,595 posts

lol good qualities like cooking and cleaning XD that's funny pauler94

but my ideal family would be..
a wife that's pretty and smart and a nice loving fun person,hmm i'd say about 3 to 4 kids, and some pets like 2 dogs and maybe a cat, a nice house and car and a great job

1,360 posts

i want a big house, an expensive car, a sexy wife who happens to also be smart an.. nah lets be realistic, i want a chavvy girlfriend, and we have 6 kids, were married but not officially, only via haribo rings, small council flat on an estate and 5 different type of benefits to get us through life, a little red citroen saxo, local dry cleaners close by is a must, as we wont have our own dryer and washing machines, breakfast: cornflakes, lunch: bag of crisps and for dinner maybe a happy meal or a sandwich, dont worry about the cleaning, its gonna get messy again anyway, small garden with a cage to put the kids if they misbehave, a double bed with a mini fridge next to it full of fosters and stella, second hand leather sofa, small tv with a free illegal sky subscription to watch the football on, a pit bull on a metal chain, a 'beware of the dog' sign on our door, referring to the girlfriend obviously, white wallpapered walls, 1 cupboard for everybodys clothes, 1 pair of donnay trainers per person, 3 bunkbeds in 1 small room for all the kids to share, a playstation 1 for them to play on, oh and we should both share the ethic of, 'too kool for skool', so the kids dont need to go there either if they dont want to, we wont name the kids either, instead we shall identify them by the colour of their tracksuits, ranging from blue to gold, thats about it.

9,462 posts

I would want to have at least two kids, a boy and a girl in that order about two years apart. I would prefer that my parents were still alive so they could see and spend time with their grand kids. I would like my grandfather to still be around with his faculties intact for the same reason as my parents.
That I had a grandmother who wasn't judgmental often based on things she just made up in her head. Uncles who's help weren't conditional, and didn't often leave further problems in the process of fixing something or just end up just making the whole thing worse. In general a family who when they do realize they screwed up they apologize to your face instead of behind your back, and didn't act like it was your fault when it is to your face!

243 posts

I'd want no kids, two dogs, a cat or two, a wife that appreciated my sense of humor and was enjoyable, and a house with two floors.

1,303 posts

I dont want any kids maybe get married but proabaly just have numerous boyfriend. They would have to be some long curly haired, beardy southern free spirits. I would also have a tabby cat called snuffles and live in a VW camper van.

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