ForumsWEPRThe Holiday Spirit

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The "Holiday Spirit" is upon us. This makes me pose the question, why? Why is it specifically this time of year that make us all happy and bubbly inside? Is it solely the spirit of giving that fuels it? Or is it something more?

Also would we have this happy feeling in our guts if the Lord Jesus Christ had not been born and the Catholic Church ad never been formed? That is the whole reason Christmas was celebrated in the first place, and seeing as the happy feeling is also called "Christmas Cheer" you can't brush it off and say something else creates the feeling.

  • 20 Replies
5,001 posts

Well, it is to commemorate the birth of Jesus, but that date is actually not known. The history of Christmas is complex. I've heard versions about the Roman's implementing these Pagan holidays into Christian ones for control, some German tales, etc.

But, I think the Christmas Cheer you speak of has nothing to do with religion. Sara and I put up all the lights and such but neither of us are Christian. It's a consumer holiday at this point and it's pushed in your face. But that's okay, it comes with some good stuff! Winter would be dreadful without it.

3,085 posts

Well, the date was originally that of a pagan festival, I'm sure that if Christianity hadn't become dominant then someone would have taken commercial advantage of the pagan festival and tried to create some false sense of 'cheer' and 'spirit' that you find with Christmas.

4,689 posts

I think it comes down to what you like about it. Theres less school which is good because Im lazy. I get free stuff which is good because it is free. I get to see my family which is spread out also good. Finally it snows. I love snow. Id love whatever it was that involved snow. In short I love the holidays.

9,462 posts

First a bit of background on the holiday. It was the celebration of the Winter solstice. For people back when the celebration started this would have been a huge feast before deep winter hit. Meaning it would be the last they would have of fresh supplies until the end of winter. Usually alcoholic beverages such as wine and beer would be ready to drink after fermenting. Given the conditions of surviving winter this would have been a great boost in morality for families and could have even marked the last time with friends and family given how many likely didn't make it through the harsh winter months.
There is evidence that we have had some sort of celebration like this dating back as far as the stone age. So it's possible some of the feelings we have may be ingrained on a deeper level, then the commercialization suggests.
What is Christmas?

Also would we have this happy feeling in our guts if the Lord Jesus Christ had not been born and the Catholic Church ad never been formed? That is the whole reason Christmas was celebrated in the first place,

As pointed out in the video above Jesus wasn't associated with the holiday until the 4th century. I wasn't until I think the 19th century, the holiday as it is today was accepted by the church as an official holiday. Of course this was because so many people celebrated it anyway. Truthfully other then the name Christianity added very little.

So given the over commercialization and the fact many non Christians celebrate it as more of a secular holiday today, I wish you all a merry Giftmas.
359 posts

The real question is why not? It is a good excuse to be cheerful for a small portion of the year and have the opportunity to give and recieve gifts.

27 posts

Religion may have -been- the reason for holiday spirit, but I feel nowadays it's nothing about that.

It's a money trap that businesses can use to empty out your wallets. That, and it's a pretty perfect time to boost sales before the fiscal year ends.

5,001 posts

It's a money trap that businesses can use to empty out your wallets. That, and it's a pretty perfect time to boost sales before the fiscal year ends.

That is EXACTLY right. I mean we have Black Friday and Cyber Monday now. COME ON!

I worked retail when I was a teen. They mark things up full price then drop them for these "sales." Anyway, if you want to be a good shopper, get online and buy the product from the country it's made in. For example...

Sara loves Coach purses. If you go buy a Coach purse in America it's going to be $300+. If you go to an outlet mall, you might get it for $200. If you get on a website that sells it directly from China, you get that purse for $60.

Merry Christmas consumers
9,504 posts

Sara loves Coach purses. If you go buy a Coach purse in America it's going to be $300+. If you go to an outlet mall, you might get it for $200. If you get on a website that sells it directly from China, you get that purse for $60.

Merry Christmas consumers

I I think you have reached me on another level Ash! I will keep this in mind

This Holiday Spirit has evolved over the 2 thousand years and even the earliest part evolved from earlier, ancient traditions. While one side of us knows that it's the time for giving and receiving gifts, it is a wall in front of being with your family, enjoying your time with them, be spirited for the new year, and overall, being happy.

I'm also sure that even if we didn't have Christianity, Judaism, and Paganism, society would still implement holidays, in order to maintain cultural stability.
1,360 posts

i just like getting all the family together really, as i dont see them any time other than xmas, not all together anyway :P
so thats the part i enjoy most, dont really care about the whole jesus shizzle, i think its the whole atmosphere around xmas aswell, if only it was like it all year round, people seem to be nicer in general and more relaxed

5,001 posts

You're right, Freak. We really just need an excuse to do these things. Small price to pay for the retailers screwing you, in my opinion.

And Freak, if you are planning on buying something really nice for a female I would keep that in mind. Sara also purchases Ugg boots this way. Pretty much everything is made in China, the hard part is finding a REAL dealer for these items and not a scam. But we have some good websites if you need them. Well, Sara does. You'd have to email her.

9,462 posts

It's a money trap that businesses can use to empty out your wallets. That, and it's a pretty perfect time to boost sales before the fiscal year ends.

ON the surface perhaps, but I do still see deeper levels to it, such as spending time with family and friends or having an excuse to party.
4,871 posts

ON the surface perhaps, but I do still see deeper levels to it, such as spending time with family and friends or having an excuse to party.

I agree with that statement, gifts are nice but the real reason Christmas is so special is the interaction with family members you might usually see otherwise, that and playing hold 'em.
243 posts

It's just being together. Everyone seems to be nice around CHristmas. It just seems to be fun.

650 posts

i agree. christmas is a time to have fun with your family

1,303 posts

For some reason im not feeling the Christmas spirit yet im sure in a week or so ill get it. Genrally i just feel nostalgic, happy and exited about all the family getting together.

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