Could it be that you two don't know what octaves are? Yeah, you guys don't know what octaves are. Bieber's voice is actually good. I don't like how he uses his voice, aka uses it for not-so-great songs. The kid's got talent.
Ugh, the Beiver rage. Please just watch South Park's Coon vs. Coon & Friends and your Beiver hate shall be quenched. After it is quenched, may we all enjoy this thread with no more further obsession over someone who is already beginning to go downhill with his fame.
its just one of my friends has the same view as you and i have listend to quit a few of there songs and i have got t say to me it's just noise and what isn't noise is just plain annyoing now don't get me wrong there are plenty of song i like that other people might view as just noise or annoying but the simplest thing i can say is and i think you'll agree with me on this because i am sure there must be at least one band/group and or song that i like and or love that you might dislike hate or even despise it's just not my style
its just one of my friends has the same view as you and i have listend to quit a few of there songs and i have got t say to me it's just noise and what isn't noise is just plain annyoing now don't get me wrong there are plenty of song i like that other people might view as just noise or annoying but the simplest thing i can say is and i think you'll agree with me on this because i am sure there must be at least one band/group and or song that i like and or love that you might dislike hate or even despise it's just not my style
I guess that's all right. On my view, you haven't listened enough of it and therefore haven't gotten to fully appreciate it. It tends to happen a lot to me, specially with prog bands like Floyd and the like. I used to dislike them too, until I actually put the effort into listening and god did it reward me. You should do the same ; P
how about buy Dark Side of the Moon, one of the most popular albums of all time? Personally I prefer Animals, but that's just me. Oh, I just thought of a song I don't like, "Love Doctor" by Kiss, I HATE THAT SONG! Everyone is always telling me that is the one song you need in any rock collection(I don't hate Kiss btw) , but I listened to it and just hated it. I like "Detroit Rock City", "Rock and Roll All Night", and even "Strutter", but I cannot listen to "Love Doctor". Is it just me, or is there anyone else here who agrees with me?