i agree about the crowds. you will find totally different people at any type of music venue though. guess when i asked the "subgenre" question i didnt really think so many people had such varying opinions.
guess when i asked the "subgenre" question i didnt really think so many people had such varying opinions.
Neither did I. I would expect it would be logica if we had subgenres, as Orion clearly pointed out. Folk metal sounds way different from Trash metal or anything, so, well, yeah!
IM BACK!!! and i see we have an interesting delema on our hands.
there are so many subgenres in metal because different bands play different ways. not all metal is the same, there's Power Metal, Thrash Metal, Death Metal, Progressive Metal, Black Metal, and of course Heavy Metal. there are probably more and the reason for that is because none of them are the same, they are just in the same familly, kinda like animals. lions and tigers are both cats but they are different. thats just the way it is
While it may be true they sound a little differant from each other, Keyword: A Little Bit, they all don't need a SubGenre. Two rock songs can sound completely differant differant and still be consedered rock, Same with other Genres. Why is Metal special? I think metal could easly be Put into three SubGenres...
Light Metal Dark Metal Heavy Metal
To simplify it even futher...
Steel Iron Lead
Sorry, I'm a simplist, I don't believe in unnesassary catagorising.
There are so many unique and amazing sub genres, it would be impossible to classify them all under one heading Examples: Melodic-Death: Children of Bodom Viking Metal: Finntroll Melodic-Power: Wintersun Satanic-Death: Dimmu Borgir Thrash: Slayer Power-Metal: Dragon-force Classic Metal: AC/DC Doom Metal: Candlemass
On a related note... something that might be worth watching is the documentary "Metal - a headbanger's journey". Covers a lot of stuff, from the beginning to the current date, also covering subgenres... It's been a while since I've seen it, but it might be interesting
Well, that's one of the bad things about classifying. Someone always wants to argue about the bands, what genre, and how good it is. That is just how I interpret it. And black metal and death metal do get mixed up a lot.
Anyways, metal is still a secondary genre to most, so it seems apt it should ahve sub genres. It is still a new type of music develpoing.
Sorry, but I just had to lol at that. Metal is not that new, it has been around about 30 years. And to comment on the question, I must say it is good that there are subgenres. I would for example not like it if Cannibal Corpse and HammerFall would be in the same genre^^ And stop quarreling about what bands suck or are good and stop fighting everybody's opinion, just enjoy the good music.