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Does anybody know any intresting facts about it other than Adolf Hitler started it?If you have post them here or else we can just talk about it here.

  • 125 Replies
1,773 posts

we all looking to make hitler look stuiped, ugly, psico and etc. im not say it to defent him {im an israeli jewish, and i had reletive who died in the olocust}, but im prity sure that e had 2 test', we wasent was gay. and what about eca brown?! his lover?. but i can say that the vermaht was the most powerfull army in the time, ther tank was superior in any case from the usa and britian tanks. the only reason he lost was numbers. more mens, more factories and etc.

3,817 posts

But what if Hitler did not commit suicide. He was the only one in his house at the time and when the [b]German troops came inside his house to see how he was doing. They found stuff on the floor but Hitlers body was not there. No one has found his body yet. Most people who do not think he commited suicide think he went to Africa. I might think that. But I do not think he commited suicide.

What about his wife, dog, and the other body they allegedly found? Your conspiracy theories are annoying me.
15,053 posts

But what if Hitler did not commit suicide. He was the only one in his house at the time and when the [b]German troops came inside his house to see how he was doing. They found stuff on the floor but Hitlers body was not there. No one has found his body yet. Most people who do not think he commited suicide think he went to Africa. I might think that. But I do not think he commited suicide.

no he committed suicide you and your stupid theories...
do ya think the government is reading our mind and we didn't land on the moon?


anyways one interesting thing is that he was actually Jewish and one of the medals he earned in ww1 and wore proudly all the time, was awarded to him by a Jewish man

and Rommel committed suicide because he was involved in a plot to kill Hitler and he had either suicide or be put on trial, if he chose suicide his family would have been left alone and he would be buried as a hero and honorably discharged
15,053 posts

sorry for double post but...

lmfao about offspring. Yea, if he had an offspring that would be pretty weird.

well not really, it would be kind of cool but they would have been ridiculed for the name, but he does have currently living relatives who are living in closed away homes and not marrying because they do not want to spread the family name
3,086 posts

Hitler narrowly missed being bombed and killed in a bunker in WW1 because he walked outside.

On another note, why are you all talking about hitler and the Germans? The allied countries have very interesting facts as well. Some things they did were as horrific, but winners write the history I suppose...

I just want to say though that it is VERY unlikely that Hitler has current offspring running around as he most likely never had sex and was extremely afraid of coming into contact with things (like vaginas etc). (Dr. Cousineau, 2009).

Are you going to back this up with some kind of source or proof?
3,086 posts

we all looking to make hitler look stuiped, ugly, psico and etc. im not say it to defent him {im an israeli jewish, and i had reletive who died in the olocust}, but im prity sure that e had 2 test', we wasent was gay.

What? Please use spell check. Or make sense.
15,053 posts

but winners write the history I suppose...

very true i can't think of anything bad the allies did, although i know they don't have a clean sheet

the only thing bad i know the winners of a war did is in WW1 the russians would not let up using failing tactics and generals fighting causing innumerable causalities

but that's just incompetence
3,817 posts

very true i can't think of anything bad the allies did, although i know they don't have a clean sheet

the only thing bad i know the winners of a war did is in WW1 the russians would not let up using failing tactics and generals fighting causing innumerable causalities

but that's just incompetence

Really? How about America sending Japanese, Germans, Italians etc to our own concentration camps? That sent people out of there homes, jobs, etc.

Hitler narrowly missed being bombed and killed in a bunker in WW1 because he walked outside.

He was also hit by mustard gas, according to a biography I read.
15,053 posts

Really? How about America sending Japanese, Germans, Italians etc to our own concentration camps? That sent people out of there homes, jobs, etc.

i knew they sent japenese americans to camps but i just can't think of anything else, they never let out the secrets

i also know in the war trials after the war they placed many blames on lower ranking japenese soldiers for what the officers did, even though the soldiers couldn't not follow the orders
3,817 posts

i knew they sent japenese americans to camps but i just can't think of anything else, they never let out the secrets

It wasn't so much a secret...(At least not from the people I have talked to, it may be different since one of the camps was somewhat nearby)...

From the wiki,

In reaction to the bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japan in 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt under United States Executive Order 9066 on February 19, 1942 allowed military commanders to designate areas "from which any or all persons may be excluded." Under this order all Japanese and Americans of Japanese ancestry were removed from Western coastal regions to concentration camps in Arkansas, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming, Colorado and Arizona; German and Italian citizens, permanent residents, and American citizens of those respective ancestries (and American citizen family members) were removed from (among other places) the West and East Coast and relocated or interned, and roughly one-third of the US was declared an exclusionary zone.

Fort Lincoln, North Dakota internment camp opened in April 1941 and closed in 1945. It had a peak population of 650. Today it's called the United Tribes Technical College. Some CCC barracks buildings and two brick army baracks were fenced and used to house the internees. The first ones were Italian and German seamen. 800 Italians arrived, but soon were sent to Fort Missoula in Montana. The first Japanese American Issei arrived in 1942, but were also transferred to other camps. The Germans were left as the only internees there until February 1945, but then 650 more Japanese Americans were brought in, these being ones who had renounced their U.S. citizenship and were waiting to be sent back to Japan. The brick buildings remain but others are gone. There is a newspaper article from The Bismarck Tribune, March 2, 1946 that 200 Japanese were still being held at Fort Lincoln

Oklahoma housed German and Italian POW's at Fort Reno, located near El Reno, and at Camp Gruber, near Braggs, Oklahoma.

Almost 120,000 Japanese Americans and resident Japanese aliens would eventually be removed from their homes and relocated.

About 2,200 Japanese living in South America (mostly in Peru) were transported to the United States and placed in internment camps.[82]

Approximately 5,000 Germans living in several Latin American republics were also removed and transported to the United States and placed in internment camps.[83] In addition at least 10,905 German Americans were held in more than 50 internment sites throughout the United States and Hawaii.

Alaska Natives living in the Aleutian Islands were also interned during the war; Funter Bay was one such camp.[84]
15,053 posts

On Christmas Eve, the English and the German had a ceasefire and they celebrated Christmas together in eachothers trenches. They sang and dranked together the whole night. The next morning they just shooted at eachother like noting happend before.

Or am I confused with WO I?

that was WW1 the christmas truce, trench warfare wasn't that big in the second world war
2,420 posts

Hitler was not Jewish. Whatever his parents' beliefs were, he does not have to follow them.

I am circumcised, had a Bar Mitzvah, and eat kosher food every day. Does that make me Jewish? No. Actually, when I celebrate my Bar Mitzvah, I become a man and am in charge of my own religious beliefs. I can choose to go to the Synagogue every day, or not.

Hitler is not Jewish, as he did not live a Jewish lifestyle.

On Christmas Eve, the English and the German had a ceasefire and they celebrated Christmas together in eachothers trenches. They sang and dranked together the whole night. The next morning they just shooted at eachother like noting happend before.

Or am I confused with WO I?

That happened in the Great War and they shotover each others heads.

that was WW1 the christmas truce, trench warfare wasn't that big in the second world war

Trench warfare had evolved. They built trenches parallel to shores, shot flak guns out of trenches in the ground, and had significantly less trenches built.

The Great War was a disaster. Four years of defense. There was no offensive tactic for trench warfare. Too much defense on both sides. Artillery had too be employed. Plus, the fighting had been on flat terrain. Even if troops were in regions were there weren't trenches, there would be no enemies to fight. No advancements from both sides after 1916. It was awful.
15,053 posts

Hitler was not Jewish. Whatever his parents' beliefs were, he does not have to follow them.

by blood he was if his family had a history of being jewish then he was, also he believed in blond hair blue eyes yet not even he was

The Great War was a disaster. Four years of defense. There was no offensive tactic for trench warfare. Too much defense on both sides. Artillery had too be employed. Plus, the fighting had been on flat terrain. Even if troops were in regions were there weren't trenches, there would be no enemies to fight. No advancements from both sides after 1916. It was awful.

yes stalemate for four years but not on the eastern front, i know
3,437 posts

The Great War was a disaster. Four years of defense. There was no offensive tactic for trench warfare. Too much defense on both sides. Artillery had too be employed. Plus, the fighting had been on flat terrain. Even if troops were in regions were there weren't trenches, there would be no enemies to fight. No advancements from both sides after 1916. It was awful.

Simply put: The tactics of the time did not match the technology. The generals used 19th century tactics to deal with 20th century weaponry. The result was massive rushes into machine gun and sniper fire. Not to mention artilery and air bombardments.
2,420 posts

I suppose. 19th century offensive tactics with 20th century defensive tactics. It took the British until 1917 to finally employ tanks regularly AND use them effectively.

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