ForumsWEPRObama vs. Bush

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1,606 posts

Which do you think was a btr president? (don't just think moraly) President Bush gave us No Child Left Behind and got us alot of oil. Obama did cash for clunkers and tried to pass a health care bill.

  • 29 Replies
77 posts

Obama as he has not started a single war yet. Everything he has tried to do has failed but doing nothing is still better then Bush.

1,606 posts

Obama as he has not started a single war yet. Everything he has tried to do has failed but doing nothing is still better then Bush

Actauly wars aren't all that bad. WW2 got us outa depression.
3,085 posts

I'd argue that most of Obamas presidency has been spent undoing mistakes made during the Bush administration.

723 posts

I really cant tell because Obama did not fill out his alloted time so we cant judge him. You cant judge something that has not done his full time. But for the sake of the question I would say Obama for the reason that he is making ends straight and fixing errors.

1,606 posts

I'd argue that most of Obamas presidency has been spent undoing mistakes made during the Bush administration.

Yea it is but it's been already about 2 years and he hasn't undid anything. He said he "ended" the war in Iraq, but the is still troops there I think they call them "non hostile" or somethin.
254 posts

Obama, since it was the bush administration that dug the hole, and now the republicans are voting against their own ideas to keep anything that Obama approves from being signed/passed.

6 posts

Oh don't even get me started about this subject. I am totally going with Bush on this one because all of this socialist crap is messing up the country! The democrats are blaming all of their mess ups on Bush. So if you want to end up like the soviet union in the 70s and 80s and have the government take everything away from us then you like Obama. And if you don't recall what happened in the 70s and 80s with Russia, they fell apart! Everybody would have to wait in line for bread! They were 20 years behind the rest of the world, so when we had laptops, they were still in the dinosaur age with huge bulky desk tops. No more Obama!!

86 posts

I'd like to point out (for kicks) that I'm pretty sure Bush had a higher approval rating at this point in his presidency than Obama does now. It was mostly due to his reaction to 9/11, but still... :P

9,504 posts

Oh don't even get me started about this subject. I am totally going with Bush on this one because all of this socialist crap is messing up the country! The democrats are blaming all of their mess ups on Bush. So if you want to end up like the soviet union in the 70s and 80s and have the government take everything away from us then you like Obama.

Do tell. What "socialist crap" are you talking about? How is this any worse than what hiccups Bush caused?

And if you don't recall what happened in the 70s and 80s with Russia, they fell apart! Everybody would have to wait in line for bread!

And if you don't recall, this exact same thing occurred in the 30s. Warren G. Harding threw us into The Roaring 20s. It was magical. Then, all of a sudden, the Great Depression. He started it. Then you have Herbert Hoover. Oh, little Hoover. I think a few of the only presidents that are lower-ranked than Bush includes this guy. He didn't do anything to help the Great Depression. He made it worse actually. You know what these three presidents have in common? They are Republicans. Those who tried to help big business, but not the common people who actually needed the jumpstart. So what helped? Franklin D. Roosevelt. You could say that WWII kicked us out of the Depression. Fair enough argument. At least FDR did something to help the guys out. His New Deal was actually working.

What was his secret I wonder? Socialized Government tactics. So before you go ranting on how Socialism sucks, take into consideration that Socialism isn't "evil" or "crap" and that we as Americans have had Socialistic elements LONG before Obama or FDR took office.
3,437 posts

President Bush gave us No Child Left Behind

I'm not sure how well you understand the concept of No Child Left Behind, but to put it simply it means that everyone is treated on an equal footing. This hinders the more intelligent members of a class room because they are not allowed to excel, instead they must pace themselves with those who are less intelligent. Good intentions, but it doesn't work.

and got us alot of oil

Explain. Invading Iraq? That isn't the best political move considering the reason was over WMD that didn't exist. Let's not forget invading Afgahnistan and Iraq wasn't sanctioned by the UN and therefore the US was fined.

Yea it is but it's been already about 2 years and he hasn't undid anything.

It's hard to undo things when you say you're going to change things and when you try you're blocked by bigots and uneducated masses.
9,504 posts

I'd like to point out (for kicks) that I'm pretty sure Bush had a higher approval rating at this point in his presidency than Obama does now. It was mostly due to his reaction to 9/11, but still... :P

Yeah, no he doesn't. Right now, Obama has a ~40% approval rating, almost 1/2 of the nation. Bush ended his presidency with a 25% approval rating. 3/4 of the nation didn't agree with him. Oh sure, he had the highest approval rating to start off, but that was quickly demolished due to his 3rd rate actions.
359 posts

It is much too early to make this comparison. Most of the actions a president takes have little immediate effect, and some take 10-20 years to plan out. In my personal opinion, it went from bad to worse. Honestly, this &quotrogressive" move President Obama plans to take will only push us further in debt, and government provided health care will be pretty much horrible and just something else the younger generation will have to pay for in the long run. I respect all presidents, they have had to make some tough decisions, and at times some very unpopular ones, but it is much too early to fully make this vs. thread just yet.

1,416 posts

President Bush gave us No Child Left Behind

As en educator, that makes Bush one of the worst presidents ever. NCLB is awful. The philosophy of NCLB is that if a school is failing, funding needs to be cut. If a public school is failing, it needs more funding to acquire better text books, computers, teachers, etc. It also says that if a school fails in one part of one subject, the whole school is liable and the government will come in, fire every teacher, and re-staff the whole school. So if a school fails in it's math scores for special ed students, every teacher, even non-math teachers, will be fired and replaced. It's a load of crap.

5,043 posts
4,220 posts

I love it when people think the president has power. He has the power of a signature, nothing more. Blame the president, what are you blaming? You're blaming nothing. The president is a figurehead, a leader. He does nothing else except provide a well known outlet for the masses to yell at their TVs about, for or against. Blame Obama, for what? He's done nothing. He signed a crap healthcare law in, appropriated money we don't have to nothing. That wasn't Obama. Those may have been his ideals, but that was congress. Who ever blames congress? No one. No one at all.

Quit blaming Obama, Bush, or whoever else. They don't do anything, quit crying about it. None of this is ever going to kill you, so what?

Politics is making me sick. Why are idiot conservatards and leftards debating over what is essentially an ideological battle? Both work, just in different ways. In one, private citizens control; in the other, the government does. Either way, you're worthless. Get on with your lives, quit thinking you're going to make a difference.

Maybe quit debating over who was a better president? Do the right thing, get us out of this god dam* hole. Debating isn't doing anything; we need action. With fools like you debating over what type of action, you get none at all.

This is making me sick. Work together people, work together. Quit being ideologues, start bringing the best of both worlds. Being ultra socialist with a 'help everyone not as blessed as me' approach does work. Proven fact. Taking a 'screw everyone, help the companies' doesn't either. Helping the government, helping the company. Identical.

I feel I'm going slightly off topic. This is such a shortly ended mush of useless, I thought I'd just bring in some other things. Quit debating over who was a better or worse president. My opinion: They bother suck. They fail. First two presidents of the 21st century are going to make America a backwater world power by the beginning of the 22nd.

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