ForumsWEPRDoes Religion Blind

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My friend and I got into a conversation the other day, and he left me with the statement that Religion blinds people. He never explained what that meant, but I still want to know; based on your guys experiences, does Religion blind? And if so, how does it blind? Does it blind you from accepting all reality, or just another reality that you don't want to face?

Please try to be insightful.

  • 169 Replies
2,420 posts

concordist theory attempts to merge Genesis 1 with modern science.

I do not believe in Concordist Theory, nor Concordism. In Latin Concordia means unity, that is what my religion is based on. It has nothing to do with Christianity.

This statement makes no sense what so ever. You have no evidence for them yet you still believe, that is the very definition of faith. So your belief is baseless.

Excuse me, but I meant to say I don't need evidence to believe in them.

religion treats those arbitrary interpretations as facts, just like your belief in multiple gods, thus it is blind. If they were not being blinded they wouldn't hold a religious belief.

No. Wrong again. You're personifying religion by saying that religion treats the interpretations that people create as facts. That is not true. People interpret religion and treat them as facts, claiming that their interpretation is true,and there is no way that religion can do that.
5,552 posts

I do not believe in Concordist Theory, nor Concordism.

Avorne and MageGrayWolf, I am a Concordist.

Then what was that supposed to mean?
2,420 posts

Then what was that supposed to mean?

Well, if you read the rest of my post, I believe in unity. The name for the religion I follow coincidentally has something to do with Christianity.
9,462 posts

I do not believe in Concordist Theory, nor Concordism. In Latin Concordia means unity, that is what my religion is based on. It has nothing to do with Christianity.

Excuse me then, your statement of concordist as belief would seem to indicate this. In this case I have no idea what the hell your talking about.

Excuse me, but I meant to say I don't need evidence to believe in them.

That is just blindly following that belief.

No. Wrong again. You're personifying religion by saying that religion treats the interpretations that people create as facts. That is not true. People interpret religion and treat them as facts, claiming that their interpretation is true,and there is no way that religion can do that.

How so? All religion is, are people adhering to a set of beliefs and practices, belief that someone follows devoutly. So adhering to these interpretations that were made up is part of religion. If people weren't treating these interpretations as fact it wouldn't be religion.
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