ForumsWEPRDoes Religion Blind

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My friend and I got into a conversation the other day, and he left me with the statement that Religion blinds people. He never explained what that meant, but I still want to know; based on your guys experiences, does Religion blind? And if so, how does it blind? Does it blind you from accepting all reality, or just another reality that you don't want to face?

Please try to be insightful.

  • 169 Replies
9,504 posts

There is like....1 part of Christmas that belongs to Christianity, which just involves Jesus. The rest belong to Norse, Wicca, modern, and....shoot. What's that one early religion that always escapes my mind? As soon as I click the button, I'm gonna remember it and I'll feel like a fool XD

2,820 posts

Religion blinds the 'helpless', those who are already kind of blind in their own way.


1,255 posts

What's that one early religion that always escapes my mind?

Might be wicca, which you already said, but are you forgetting the pagan religion of believing in the power of the earth?
9,462 posts

There is like....1 part of Christmas that belongs to Christianity, which just involves Jesus.

We could give them the name as well. Though that and Jesus was just stuff tacked on to a previously existing holiday.

Might be wicca, which you already said, but are you forgetting the pagan religion of believing in the power of the earth?

Wicca is a rather new religion based on ancient pagan religions.
9,504 posts

Pagan! That was the word. It's always in one ear out the other with that word. Thanks for that.

We could give them the name as well. Though that and Jesus was just stuff tacked on to a previously existing holiday.

Christians get Jesus and the name (I guess), everyone gets Santa Claus, and the Pagans and Norse gets the customs and decorations (great majority).
17 posts

Not when it is supposedly coming from a infallible source. Such as you do not follow the stoning but you do follow the charity. You don't follow giving all of your stuff away, but you follow Christmas.

You should re-read your own statements. The very notion that I do not have a choice because someone else says so, aka this "infallible sourse" you speak of, is the dumbist thought anyone could ever have. Also, you should re-read my post as well, because I have not said anything about, myself, "following" christmas or charity. On another note, since when has charity been equal to "giving all your stuff away"? Look up the word before useing it.
Here is a quote be a well-known christian and tell me your thoughts.
"Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call to her tribunal every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear."
Thomas Jefferson
3,817 posts

The very notion that I do not have a choice because someone else says so, aka this "infallible sourse" you speak of, is the dumbist thought anyone could ever have.

So you believe in a god, the biblical one, correct? The biblical, omniscient, omnipotent, creator of the universe who then created a book, and since he created it can't be wrong? Yeah, that is an "infallible source"...

Also, you should re-read my post as well, because I have not said anything about, myself, "following" christmas or charity

You said you celibate Christmas and like some of the messages. Charity is a commonly followed one, BUT NOT giving all your stuff away, which is another SEPARATE AND DIFFERENT and rarely followed piece of the Bible. If you were not a dunce, you would understand that.

And for Thomas Jefferson, look them up before speaking about them.

From the wki,

The religious views of Thomas Jefferson diverged widely from the orthodox Christianity of his day. Throughout his life Jefferson was intensely interested in theology, biblical study, and morality.[1] He is most closely connected with the Episcopal Church, Unitarianism, and the religious philosophy of Deism. As the principal author of the United States Declaration of Independence, he articulated a statement about human rights that most Americans regard as nearly sacred. Together with James Madison, Jefferson carried on a long and successful campaign against state financial support of churches in Virginia.
17 posts

So you believe in a god, the biblical one, correct? The biblical, omniscient, omnipotent, creator of the universe who then created a book, and since he created it can't be wrong? Yeah, that is an "infallible source"...

Do you want me to believe in it?

You said you celibate Christmas

If i said this than why didn't you quote it.

The religious views of Thomas Jefferson diverged widely from the orthodox Christianity of his day. Throughout his life Jefferson was intensely interested in theology, biblical study, and morality.[1] He is most closely connected with the Episcopal Church, Unitarianism, and the religious philosophy of Deism. As the principal author of the United States Declaration of Independence, he articulated a statement about human rights that most Americans regard as nearly sacred. Together with James Madison, Jefferson carried on a long and successful campaign against state financial support of churches in Virginia.

You forgot quite a bit such as "In private letters, Jefferson refers to himself as "Christian"" and if you bothered to look up the Episcopal Church you would have found out that "Episcopal Church is a mainline Anglican Christian church found mainly in the United States." As well as, "Unitarianism is a nontrinitarian Christian theology which holds that God is only one person, in contrast to the doctrine of the Trinity (God as three persons in the unity of one godhead)."

I think we have gotten way of topic, does religion blind? no, however people blind themselves, if not with religion than something else.
3,817 posts

You forgot quite a bit such as "In private letters, Jefferson refers to himself as "Christian"" and if you bothered to look up the Episcopal Church you would have found out that "Episcopal Church is a mainline Anglican Christian church found mainly in the United States." As well as, "Unitarianism is a nontrinitarian Christian theology which holds that God is only one person, in contrast to the doctrine of the Trinity (God as three persons in the unity of one godhead)."

Actually if you read in find that he also considered himself "in a sect of my own" and didn't believe in the divinity of Jesus, the main thing of Christians, meaning he was a Deist

If i said this than why didn't you quote it.

Said what?
9,462 posts

"Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call to her tribunal every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear."
Thomas Jefferson

That is exactly what atheists do, and we have found God extremely unlikely or at the very least unneeded.
2,420 posts

Religion gives people faith. People blind people. Faith, in a way, blinds people, but I prefer not to think that.

9,462 posts

Religion gives people faith. People blind people. Faith, in a way, blinds people, but I prefer not to think that.

Religion gives faith, faith blinds people, so religion blinds people through faith. But your just going to pretend otherwise?
2,420 posts

Religion gives faith, faith blinds people, so religion blinds people through faith. But your just going to pretend otherwise?

I am saying the messenger blinds it. That's like I tell you to say something to someone and you say that, but distorts it.

Also, I'm not saying all religion blinds, mine doesn't. Some are distorted, and others are just flat out wrong.
3,085 posts

Uh-huh - and what's your religion? I'm willing to bet it blinds you - even if it's just in some small way.

9,462 posts

I am saying the messenger blinds it. That's like I tell you to say something to someone and you say that, but distorts it.

You said faith does blind as well. I agree, though I'm not going to ignore that point. Since all religion is faith based this would mean all religion does blind.

Also, I'm not saying all religion blinds, mine doesn't. Some are distorted, and others are just flat out wrong.

What religion do you follow?
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