ForumsWEPRReligion- Good or Bad?

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First, Karl Marx' thoughts on religion:

-Religion is the opium of the masses.
-Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand.
-Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions.

So true...

Now, what do YOU think? Does religion cause wars? Does it keep people in line? Or is this topic pointless?
I think that religion is BAD. With no religion on Earth, there would be less war. WW2. Massive slaughter of Jews. Without Jews or any other religious group, WW2 may never have even started.


  • 88 Replies
4,871 posts

Uh, Russia is Communist.... Along with China, North Korea, Viet Nam, etc.... Communism is a Religion BTW.

Communism isn't a religion it's an ideology and economic plan.
1 posts

Religion is neither good or bad, in most instances. It is how people deal with it that causes harm. It is just another way humans use to cause conflict, because even if there was no organized religion, we would find another way to force our wills upon, to try and seem better than, or to control another.

Religion at its base is the way we humans cope with something we don't understand and the need to believe that there is something greater than our tiny speck of a species out there.

4,871 posts

Religion at its base is the way we humans cope with something we don't understand and the need to believe that there is something greater than our tiny speck of a species out there.

*rolls eyes* mhmm you keep thinking that.
3,224 posts

As much as I hate to admit it, religion has done a lot of good in this world (in addition to all of the evil it has wrought). I tend to believe that the good outweighs the evil, though it's pretty close. They give people hope, help create meaning to their lives, opiate of the masses and all that jazz.

Unfortunately though, some of those lessons have been corrupted over time. Many Christians have taken it upon themselves to crusade against other religions, to force their morals upon everyone else, and to judge people for sinning when they themselves are sinners. This is where religion corsses the line and why I have often wished for religions to simply disappear from the planet. But, selfish reasons aside, I tend to believe that many people are happier and better people because of religion.

I suppose it's a question of red pill/blue pill. Christianity, among other religions, is a plague on human knowledge. Scientific advancement wouldn't be hindered by ignorance and ethics would be dictated by human relations and community. But it makes people happy. So, would you rather know the harsh truth (that there is no god, that our lives are meaningless in a cosmic sense, and that there is no after-life) or would you rathe rlive a happier, naive life thinking that it all has meaning and will have a happy ending?

Honestly, it's a tough call sometimes.

4,871 posts

So, would you rather know the harsh truth (that there is no god, that our lives are meaningless in a cosmic sense, and that there is no after-life) or would you rathe rlive a happier, naive life thinking that it all has meaning and will have a happy ending?

Unfortuantly if that is the truth, the truth becomes that there is no truth which makes that "truth" false. In other words if there's no God there can be no absolute truth, because nothing would be able to give humans truth. Which means your harsh truth is just an opinion lost in the thousands of others.
4,097 posts

Religion at its base is the way we humans cope with something we don't understand and the need to believe that there is something greater than our tiny speck of a species out there.

So you're saying that before religion, we couldn't cope with knowing of things we didn't understand?
3,224 posts

if there's no God there can be no absolute truth, because nothing would be able to give humans truth

I can't really see how you're making that link. Of course there can be absolute truth without God. You only think that there can't be because you're a Christian, ironically making yours the bandwagon opinion of billions worldwide.
4,871 posts

I can't really see how you're making that link. Of course there can be absolute truth without God. You only think that there can't be because you're a Christian, ironically making yours the bandwagon opinion of billions worldwide.

How can there be absolute truth without a being with absolute knowledge? Unless of course your claiming to have absolute knowledge.
3,224 posts

How can there be absolute truth without a being with absolute knowledge? Unless of course your claiming to have absolute knowledge.

There are certain moral standards that are considered by many to be absolute, but that's another matter. The fact is though, relativism doesn't really come into this argument. You are taking the word 'truth' entirely out of context. If are to assume that I am correct in assuming there is no God, for the purpose of this argument, the fact that universalism would be obselete does not have any effect on the validity of the non-existence of a god.
4,871 posts

There are certain moral standards that are considered by many to be absolute, but that's another matter. The fact is though, relativism doesn't really come into this argument. You are taking the word 'truth' entirely out of context. If are to assume that I am correct in assuming there is no God, for the purpose of this argument, the fact that universalism would be obselete does not have any effect on the validity of the non-existence of a god.

I was saying that "coming to terms with the harsh reality" is hard when there may not be "truth." Also your first sentence shows that there's no such thing as a moral absolute sense it's only "considered by many"
3,224 posts

I was saying that "coming to terms with the harsh reality" is hard when there may not be "truth." Also your first sentence shows that there's no such thing as a moral absolute sense it's only "considered by many"

That's the point though. What would you need to come to terms with if it turned out there was no god? Would it affect you in any real way? Not at all. Also, I never claimed that there was an absolute sense, just indicating that many philosophers have gone at great lengths to describe certain morals which they believe to be absolute.
4,871 posts

That's the point though. What would you need to come to terms with if it turned out there was no god? Would it affect you in any real way? Not at all. Also, I never claimed that there was an absolute sense, just indicating that many philosophers have gone at great lengths to describe certain morals which they believe to be absolute.

Would it affect me yes? I'm sure how it wouldn't effect me whether or not there is a God affects EVERYONE. Also yes they've gone to great lengths but it will be IMPOSSIBLE to create some sort of moral code without someone who isn't fallible and finite to create one. Which in my opinion would make it impossible for human laws to make sense at all.
3,224 posts

Would it affect me yes? I'm sure how it wouldn't effect me whether or not there is a God affects EVERYONE. Also yes they've gone to great lengths but it will be IMPOSSIBLE to create some sort of moral code without someone who isn't fallible and finite to create one. Which in my opinion would make it impossible for human laws to make sense at all.

Errm, you do realise that you live in a secular country right? That means that as far as laws are concerned they should be created based on logic and reason and should not be influenced by whether a god exists or not.

The debate whether or not laws are infallible is another one entirely, but I prefer statute and common law far more than I do Christian, Jewish or Islamic law. If the non-existence of a God was in fact proven, then these would be just as fallible as secular law.
4,871 posts

Errm, you do realise that you live in a secular country right? That means that as far as laws are concerned they should be created based on logic and reason and should not be influenced by whether a god exists or not.

And you realize the founding father were mainly Christian and believed that Christian principles were the best way to run this country. So the majority of our original laws were based on Christian laws, and now that our laws aren't based on Christianity well I think our countries in pretty bad shape.

The debate whether or not laws are infallible is another one entirely, but I prefer statute and common law far more than I do Christian, Jewish or Islamic law. If the non-existence of a God was in fact proven, then these would be just as fallible as secular law.

Again however God hasn't been proven to not exist and if he does then his law is infallible and is the one true law.
333 posts

Again however God hasn't been proven to not exist and if he does then his law is infallible and is the one true law.

you're right about that, no one can prove that God doesn't exist but also no one can prove that he exists, for Christians and other religions believe in God and he exists for them, so it wouldn't really matter to religious people if others say God is imaginary, but it causes drama everywhere around the world.
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