-Religion is the opium of the masses. -Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand. -Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions.
So true...
Now, what do YOU think? Does religion cause wars? Does it keep people in line? Or is this topic pointless? I think that religion is BAD. With no religion on Earth, there would be less war. WW2. Massive slaughter of Jews. Without Jews or any other religious group, WW2 may never have even started.
-Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand.
When something cannot be explained with logic quick enough, obviously it was an act of some sort of god.
Does religion cause wars?
King Richards Crusade FTW. WW2 sort of. Iraq war...
Does it keep people in line?
Yes. People will follow it's teachings. See the thread relating to religion and cults.
Or is this topic pointless?
I <3 this thread.
Without Jews or any other religious group, WW2 may never have even started.
Well Hitler was going to pick some group of people to be the scapegoats of problems, the Jews just happened to be it. Religion just happened to be his factor of discrimination that he chose.
In terms of will it not start wars, yeah. Look at the Iraq war. Look at Al Queda. They declared Jihad and now they are getting Pwnz0rr3d.
And you realize the founding father were mainly Christian and believed that Christian principles were the best way to run this country. So the majority of our original laws were based on Christian laws, and now that our laws aren't based on Christianity well I think our countries in pretty bad shape.
Have you ever heard of something called the separation of the church and state? Constitutional rights? The founding fathers of America left Europe to escape religious persecution. Do you not realise the irony of them subsequently legislating solely based on Christian values and the Bible?
Again however God hasn't been proven to not exist and if he does then his law is infallible and is the one true law.
Only to believers, such as yourself. Please explain, why/how non-believers should follow this. Then explain why his law is infallible just because god's existence hasn't been disproven yet? It would only be infallible if his existence was proven.
Have you ever heard of something called the separation of the church and state? Constitutional rights? The founding fathers of America left Europe to escape religious persecution. Do you not realise the irony of them subsequently legislating solely based on Christian values and the Bible?
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
would this be the irony you have been talking about? this are the first couple of sentences from the declaration of indepandance.
Even that sentence you quoted makes no reference to legislation based purely on Christian values. In any case the Bill of Rights puts paid to the myth that the US is a 'Christian' country.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
In any case the Bill of Rights puts paid to the myth that the US is a 'Christian' country.
Certainly not Christian in the medieval sense of Catholic and Protestant countries, but to deny that Christianity has not affected past and even present American outlooks on politics, economics, etc. is even more of a myth. Even today, in comparison to Europe, we remain much more conservative on a wide variety of issues. I would encourage you to read this essay, which before you start complaining, was written by a Jew.
Parsat has it right. While the U.S. doesn't have an official religion, its customs and laws are greatly influenced by the standards of the christian religion. Also, with the large population of christian people living in the U.S. some consider it to be that way.
Certainly not Christian in the medieval sense of Catholic and Protestant countries, but to deny that Christianity has not affected past and even present American outlooks on politics, economics, etc. is even more of a myth. Even today, in comparison to Europe, we remain much more conservative on a wide variety of issues. I would encourage you to read this essay, which before you start complaining, was written by a Jew.
I was talking about in any official sense. Whilst I acknowledge that Christianity has had a profound impact on American history and politics, it is not officially Christian, which is what should matter.
RELIGON IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!! CHRISTANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay for spam.
Religion has its good points, and its bad. Usually on an individual or small-scale level its good, however, on a large scale as organized religion develops its starts to go downhill. Faith, more accurately, is good, its when that faith conflicts with others that people can start to manipulate each other, and possibly lead to violence.