ForumsWEPRChristians Vs Catholics

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14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Alright, I've gotten a lot of crap from people these days, who claim Catholics aren't Christians and vice versa.

How can you not be? Use your brains, Catholics are just a subset of Christianity, like Anglicans, Methodists etc.

You may not pray to Mary, but you do pray to Jesus.

Any thoughts?

  • 69 Replies
9,462 posts

^Ignore or mod delete, I hit the submit button by mistake.

In the New Testament, it says many times that Jesus Christ was the God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Moses.

Where does it say this?

"He grew up on a distant planet, studying Mormon teachings." Give me a break. We have never said that.

That video looks a bit like a cross between Mormonism and Scientology.

Mormonism is a cult, in fact, it was only by threat by the IRS in the 70s that the church let blacks in.

Technically all religions are cults. A religion is just a widely accepted cult.

The reason non members are not allowed in the temple is because of the sacred things that go on in there. If just anyone was allowed in, the spirit would be disrupted.

Why would that effect this spirit any?

Anyways, do you have an email address? I'd like to discuss this with you more, but not in this thread where what we're talking about is unrelated.

It might be better to start a new thread at this point but there was this thread on Mormonism.

As I've said jokingly (and it remains jokingly btw)
Mormonism has a title that is one letter long of moron, an angel that's one letter short of moronic, and a bunch of whiteness who are mostly prats.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

We did not baptize Adolf Hitler. That is a lie.

Dudes. Hitler was a Roman Catholic in the loosest terms, and a pretty slack one at that. He didn't care much for religion, just the Concordat with the Vatican and creating a Reich Church.

And omg, the discussion is not what it should be =.= Please create your own thread and continue there, or it might cause confusion!
5,845 posts

Isn't this thread full of f****** geniuses.

If people could do it before Jesus then they should be capable after as well.

Being canonized as a Saint means there is proof you are in the grace of God and while and/or dead praying to you is communicating to God through you.

Or something. Just stuck in my head from another religion lesson.

My (Catholic) school was founded by the Marist brothers, a group who worshipped and prayed to Mary. If you're stupid enough to think that Catholics only pray to Mary, or that Catholics aren't Christians, you're a moron.

Also, @Theguy*****ferenced South Park;
27 posts

The first split between Christians was Catholic and Orthodox church. Its kind off split between east and west. Eastern countries have Orthodox (means sort of original) religion as they official and western Catholic.
Orthodox Countries : Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Georgia, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Moldova

... Catholic are too many and u probably know it, this split is not so black and white of course, there are some eastern catholic countries as well. The main differences are in the calendar, the Orthodox Christmas was on 7.01. this year and there are more differences in the way of celebration. In Orthodox church u can paint the saints and Jesus but u cannot make sculptures of them - because the theory - spiritual does not have form. They are quite different in moral questions and stuff. Anyway as once wise man said "the divided Kingdom doesn't function anymore" - or something like that XD english is not my main language i hope u got what i tried to say...

9,462 posts

Being canonized as a Saint means there is proof you are in the grace of God and while and/or dead praying to you is communicating to God through you.

Sorry, I'm not sure I'm following what your saying here.

My (Catholic) school was founded by the Marist brothers, a group who worshipped and prayed to Mary. If you're stupid enough to think that Catholics only pray to Mary, or that Catholics aren't Christians, you're a moron.

I agree Catholics are Christians. I usually hear the "Catholics aren't Christians" from Catholics. Of course not all as your clearly demonstrating.
909 posts

This is in response to Protestant being a separate religion such as Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, etc. This is how I understand it, if you aren't Catholic then you are a Protestant and yes, the first faith to organize as a Protestant faith was the Luterans under Martin Luther.
If this is wrong, please provide links, thanks.

9,462 posts

As for south park, I referenced it for a simple reason, if what they said was untrue, wouldn't the church have sued them?

Interesting background on that episode, the creators of South Park are friends with a number of Mormons and based what was said off what their friends were telling them. Theirs friends also thought it was a very funny episode and didn't take it to heart.

Would like to site a source on this but I can't remember where I read it.
109 posts


In the New Testament, it says many times that Jesus Christ was the God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Moses.

Where does it say this?[/quote]
I meant to say "God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob." Either way, I must have made a mistake in reading, or I have a bad memory. Something very similar is said, but id doesn't explicitly say that Jesus Christ is the God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob.
109 posts

I'm going to start a new topic for the conversation on Mormonism. Expect to see it in a few hours. No more comments on it will be made in this thread.

109 posts

Ok, the new thread is up. I'd advise that we move our conversation over to there.

250 posts

abraham did water come from rock. he said 'I shall give you water' god punished him for this by not letting him in the promised land, becouse not abraham, but god let the water come out.

jesus said: your sins are forgiven. god didn't punish him for that, for jesus ís god. only god can forgive sins.

52 posts

They're actually really close together. There is very little difference. But I think making this topic separates the both of us. There is no fighting between religion, and wars are also caused because of the difference in culture right now and I think we don't need this.

250 posts

it really is culture.

do we believe in the same god?

the answer is yes. so it can't be a difference between religions. it has to be a culture difference.

250 posts

a priest and a parson talk about their differences in fullfillment of the religion.

at some point the one says to the other:
okay, you can do it your way. I'll do it his way.

just can't remember who said that =P

8,257 posts

There is no fighting between religion

Care to reconsider this statement? If not, you would force me into calling you naive.
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