I believe that the only truth that we are going to find about the origins of the universe are going to be from a combination of Christianity and evolution. There are so many blank or entirely wrong spots in both, that the only possible answer is that they both must be partially correct.
I'm sure that God made us and the dinos at the same time, got bored of the dinos and buried them way underground just to test our faith. But not before Jesus got to ride a velociraptor (Late birthday gift from dad).
Then Satan threw a meteor to try and kill Jesus because he was jealous, but God put him in timeout. Not sure how the Romans ended up still alive to crucify Jesus, though.
And then when Adam was naming all the animals, he didn't like some of them, so God buried them underground farther. The striking resemblance to some of their gradual changes is to also test our faith. God was new at being God and he couldn't quite get the elephant part right.
Of course both are wrong, and even totally wrong. But the Flying Spaghetti Monster is always tricking us into believing in all these lies, that's why it is hard to recognize the truth about the whole noodly creation.
Of course both are wrong, and even totally wrong. But the Flying Spaghetti Monster is always tricking us into believing in all these lies, that's why it is hard to recognize the truth about the whole noodly creation.
also this thread is really just another creationism/ID thread