Hi! I am creating this thread to try to understand the so-called "screen freeze" button. So, if you experienced the bug, please tell me how it happenned, and your flash player version. (right click - about flash player)
soo. as I was playing I noticed I didn't have the armor I put on my soldier and then I didn't get the guns I bought so I went to check how much money I had and I had $0 so I checked my missions and I did them all but it shoed that I didn't even do the first one I thought this games saves data
Is this thread still alive?
If so, I was wondering, how many of you are still looking at the new user maps or making them yourself? I only ask because I see new ones every few days (and made some myself: "Skydiving" and "Faceoff" ) and I was wondering who is still playing this and if they wanted to talk. Especially with the fact that this game might go away in 2021 when Flash is no longer supported, I want to see if I can connect with other players over the year for one (possibly) last hurrah.