believe I already caught you up. Xav tried and failed miserably to seduce Trafire, but other than that, nothing has happened. I have a lot of lazy players >.< I'll remake the character though. Question; can I distribute the 5 levels? Like, say, could I be a level 3 cleric/level 2 wizard?
More than satisfactory! I like it when people multiclass, it adds to their character, like why you would multiclass Cleric and Wizard (the answer, Mystic Theurge Prestige Class) btw, loco, I like the Dropkick Murphays (well, be honest, a couple of songs by them, Johnny I Hardly Knew Ya and Shovin' Off to Boston).
Anyway, I seek out the clerics, and attempt to "interrogate" one of them (Intimidate +8, the nearest one I find, idc) about the murders, specifically clerical involvement. (I have no problem roleplaying that out if you want me to, in fact I prefer it...)
oops! sorry Dragonblaze052, I was looking at loco's armatar when I saw your post, and crossed you 2. Anyway, you a big fan of the Dropkick Murphays? Cause I know DBS likes them a lot.
oops! sorry Dragonblaze052, I was looking at loco's armatar when I saw your post, and crossed you 2. Anyway, you a big fan of the Dropkick Murphays? Cause I know DBS likes them a lot.
Actually, I only found out about them 2 days ago here.
It depends. Have you ever played Dungeons and Dragons before?
the answer, Mystic Theurge Prestige Class
*gasp* You're a mind reader, aren't you? xP
Well, hmm...which cleric will you interrogate? A cleric from the church of Corellon Larethian or Lathander? And a head cleric, regular cleric, or acolyte?
Name: Ze'loth Durstwood Age: 20 Sex: Male Looks: 5'10, 160 lbs, tan, dark brown eyes, bald. Alignment: Neutral. Race: Human. Class: Cleric/Wizard Level: 3[Cleric]/2[Wizard]. Level Equivelency: 5. Languages: Common, Celestial, Undercommon, Draconic, Goblin, Terran. Attributes: Str 13[+1] Dex 12[+1] Con 15[+2] Int 18[+4] Wis 18[+4]--I rolled a 17, but unless I'm mistaken, you put 1 extra point into an ability of your choice every 4 levels, so this is what I put it in. Cha 14[+2] Saves: Fortitude[4] , Reflex[1] , Will[7]. Hit Points: 32/32. Attack: +5 Damage: 1d10+1 AC: 15. Features: Simple Weapon Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Shield Proficiency. Feats: Combat Casting, Improved Counterspell, Spell Mastery. Skills: Concentration[4], Diplomacy[2], Decipher Script[4], Heal[4], Knowledge[Arcana, 6], Knowledge[Religion, 7], Knowledge[The Planes, 4], Spellcraft[4], Use Magic Device[4], Disable Device[4], Knowledge[Geography, 4], Knowledge[Architecture/Engineering, 2]. Equipment: Masterwork Heavy Flail[1d10], Scale Mail Armor, Silver Holy Symbol, Adventurer's Kit.
But now I am utterly torn between becoming a spellsword and becoming a mystic theurge. =(
Well, I heard one of the other players was thinking of going spellsword, and I have not seen a Mystic Theurge in quite a while, not to mention you already took levels of cleric, which is not benefital to a Spellsword, so I would stick to the Theurge.