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You and Silverheart both head to the Church of Corellon Larethian. You are again greeted by the head cleric, Aramil.
"Ah, good to see you again brother," he says, nodding to you. He then turns towards Silverheart(a human) with distaste. "And you?" He says, clearly less amiably.
"We need to speak with Quarion," Silverheart says immediately. "We need his abilities. Particularly, the Zone of Truth spell."
"You require Cleric Quarion's assistance?" Aramil repeats. Just talking to Silverheart, he looks like he's bitten into something extremely sour. "I will see what I can do." He leaves for a moment then returns, impossibly fast. "Nope. I'm afraid that Cleric Quarion is predisposed at the moment."
"But-" Silverheart begins.
"No," Aramil shoots him down. "I'm afraid if you are not here to worship our god, you must leave." He glares pointedly at Silverheart, then a little less at you.

3,798 posts

hey hyper i will sneaak into the elven church while they are keeping Aramil busy

26,390 posts

Zingnoff successfully sneaks into the Church of Corellon Larethian without being spotted by any of the clerics or acolytes.

2,886 posts

I will argue some more (allowing Zingnoff some time to look around) about allowing us in for reasons of importantance. If they still refuse to let us in, then I will then proceed to argue about various topics, related to the churches, how they are clearly not getting along in a time when their leadership is needed, asking questions about this uneasy relationship they seem to have, and just whatever my character would do to try and convince the cleric that they need to work together. (I would roleplay it out, but that's a lot to say in one post)

3,798 posts

He whispers to himself OH OH OH i got skills

2,886 posts

I drink, therefore I am!

26,390 posts

"I care not of what importance this matter is," Aramil says, waving a hand. "I refuse to allocate any of our clerics to help those human swine. I'm sure you understand, brother."
You then revert to another topic, how they're not getting along.
"This may be a time when leadership is required," Aramil replies icily, "and I shall lead and aid as required...our people. Not theirs. If they cannot take care of their own, they have no one but themselves to blame."
Uneasy relationship questions...
"I don't see how it's any of your business," sighs Aramil, "but they did not help us before. You weren't here at the time, I know, but you do know how this church was started, right? I was a missionary, sent to spread the word, yada yada yada. Yeah. You know. Anyway, I was mostly right about small towns. Emphasis on mostly. See, most of them were pretty open minded about the whole thing, all the elves in town had a good place to worship, even a few humans attended out of curiosity. Things were going swimmingly...before this crazy mage, the only one in town as far as I could tell, started preaching this paranoid garbage. I only found out later he was a half elf, and was completely flabbergasted about this particular piece of information, but anyway, as I was saying, the town hermit and mage started spreading these utter lies around. 'the church wants to kill our children and sacrifice them to their bloodthirsty master', 'they are Blackguards in disguise', you would not believe the garbage he managed to conjure. And the rest of the town astounded me with their stupidity when they actually believed him. I don't know if this Thamior fellow, the one who started it all, actually believed what he was saying or if he was just malicious, but either way, now almost every human in the town hated the church, and all the elves refused to attend for fear of what might become them. There were even mobs-human mobs, lead by Thamior!-who attacked the Church of Corellon Larethian itself. Flaming items were thrown, altars desecrated, pews broken. Things were falling apart, so I contacted the other churches in town to request their help as fellow brothers in faith. All of them refused to help me, including the Church of Lathander. Now, Cleric Silverheart was not the head cleric at the time, it was an older fellow named Othiur who died a few years after this, but he was an acolyte at the time and therefore he supported the decision by proxy as a member of the church, as did the entire Church of Lathander. So there we were, abandoned. The entire town refused to help us, and I was dead in the water. No funding, destroyed reputation, et cetera. I fought the rumors, to be sure, but the humans were just too bullheaded to listen. That is, until that Thamior fellow disappeared. And I swear, I had nothing to do with it. Once the humans stopped hearing the lies on a regular basis, they started to believe the truth, and the Church of Corellon Larethian started to recover. A little over a decade later, here we are. Now you know why I refuse to help the humans in their time of need; they did not help me in mine. Some humans say that it was a long time ago, but that just goes to show how short sighted they are. You probably know this elf never forgets an enemy."

Zingnoff takes some time to congratulate himself, and is still unnoticed.

3,798 posts

time to search for the cleric dude

26,390 posts

What cleric dude?

2,886 posts

Wait a minute, this mage and town hermit you spoke of, you are sure you don't know what happened to them? This makes me suspicious, what if those 2 made it look like a cleric killed one of the people to frame the church they truly believed was evil? That makes this situation even more complicated if I'm right. And what of the markings on the wrists of the fighters we encountered? (I assume they knew, otherwise I explain what happened then ask about the markings) WE NEED SOME ANSWERS HERE!
22,207 posts

Don't be too loud or knock anything over.....

.....OR ELSE....

3,798 posts

Cleric Quarion

26,390 posts

Zingnoff searches the church for Cleric Quarion. He does not find Quarion per se, but does find a locked room with voices coming from inside, probably the room where they keep the donations and tithings, with voices coming from inside that are speaking in Elven. Quarion is most likely in there.

Wait a minute, this mage and town hermit you spoke of, you are sure you don't know what happened to them? This makes me suspicious, what if those 2 made it look like a cleric killed one of the people to frame the church they truly believed was evil? That makes this situation even more complicated if I'm right. And what of the markings on the wrists of the fighters we encountered? (I assume they knew, otherwise I explain what happened then ask about the markings) WE NEED SOME ANSWERS HERE!

You misunderstand, the mage is the town hermit. There was only one paranoid rumor spreader guy.
"And I am certain I have no idea where Thamior is," Aramil answers you. "One day he was here, the next he was not. And as for the, I do not recognize those from your description."
3,798 posts

umm elven is one of my languages and dwarven and gobliniod

2,886 posts

Well, then, we may have a lead here, when was the last time you saw this Thamior?
Showing 1621-1635 of 18587