THORRATFOX Zingnoff walks into the Drunken Dragon tavern. The door creaks open noisily as he enters. He sits down and tries to make a beer magically appear; nothing happens. "Uh," says a young, pretty human waitress, walking up to him. "Are you going to order a drink, or not?"
I'm not sure, not all of them are responding. So now everyone knows... Siber is going to see an alchemist in Waterdeep who might be able to help you guys identify the poison and make a cure. Who will go with him?
Okay, so Zingnoff, Siber, Calethen, and Otihand are going to Waterdeep thus far? I think I'm going to put Xav on AI, in which case there would be Xav as well.
About the captain's men, he would've also had some of the well water, so we cannot use him or his men. I will wait on Trafire to finish the animal companion ritual or whatever you want to call it...