Okay. So, yeah, skip to the next day, all ya'll are prepped and ready to go. Trafire has acquired a Hawk(that's what you wanted, right?), Siber is rested and has prepared his spells, and Zingnoff's face is still red from having been slapped around by priests a multitude of times. What will you do?
Heading out to the highway, I've got nothing to lose at all. Going to do things my way, take a chance before I fall. A chance... before... I FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL! Heading Out to the Highway -Judas Priest
You guys head off to Waterdeep, singing some road songs. You pass several people on the road, from merchants to soldiers to magi. By the time you arrive in Waterdeep, it's nearly evening(around 5 pm). It truly is breathtaking, from palaces gilt of the finest gold and ivory to churches that seem to be made entirely of glass that is reminiscent of a rainbow. Hundreds of people walk in the streets, hawking items for sale, buying, trading, calling out for friends or whatever they happen to be doing. You guys cannot fathom how you are supposed to find just one person in this bustling hub of a city. Siber remembers that Aramil told him the alchemist's name: one "Fingin Fenwick Filibuster". Hm, must be Italian. Kudos if you get the reference.
Siber decides to ask around about a Fingin Fenwick Filibuster. The nearest person he asks is a city guard. "Filibuster?" the guard repeats. "Uh, yeah. I think he's staying in the Breaking Wave Inn, in the Sea Ward." She laughs, and another of her fellow guards joins in. "As long as it's not burnt to the ground or anything!" They start laughing even harder.