"Want to dry one glass of my wine?"
"No thanks."
You know you're a D&D nerd when...
1.Somebody asks you about your AC you don't tell them a brand name.
2.You hear a kid say eleventy-ten and immediately picture a Red Dragon.
3. Someone tells you to do something, and you ask what the DC is.
4. You say that it was a Halfling that destroyed the Ring.
5. You can quote The Gamers and JourneyQuest on demand.
6. You accidentally write your characters name instead of your own.
7. You have a pair of 20-sided fuzzy dice in your car
8. You think of existentialism as being a character in a game rather than a book/dream.
9. You refer to God as "the DM".
10. You picture every archer with pointy ears.
11. When you hear elves, Santa is the last thing that comes to mind.
12. You ask how many new feats you get when you graduate high school.
13. You have thirty dice and you've never gambled.
14. When you pull out the good book you pull out your copy of The Players Handbook.
15. When your the only one that knows what your talking about when you mention your party.
16. Someone says "knight" and you say "do you mean a fighter?".
17. You look around at your friends and think you need a jock to round out the party.
18. Instead of saying "like a hot knife through butter" you say "like a vorpal sword through stone".
19. You think a Medusa and a Gorgon are two different things.
20. You realize the mistake with #2.
21. You get pissed every time you hear someone say Dark Elf.
22. When someone asks if you want to go to a party, you ask what class they need.
23. You include your character sheet as part of your resume.
24. You ask the Prerequisites to get into a Prestigious school.
25. Someone says "fourth edition" and you automatically punch them in the face.
26. You know the difference between a Wizard, Witch, Warlock and Sorceror.
27. You watch the movie Poltergeist and complain that it's actually a Ghost.