Okay, before we continue, this seems like a good temporary stopping point. Let's take a moment to celebrate our 200th page in the same fashion we celebrated our 100th: a chance to give some feedback. As before, here are some basic categories for you to put your criticism into... DIFFICULTY STORYLINE WHAT YOU LIKED WHAT YOU DID NOT LIKE WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE MORE OF WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE LESS OF REQUESTS ANYTHING ELSE
Xav enters the house using move silently, but it's probably redundant. You're sure that the sound of shattering glass twice would be sure to alert any monsters.
Jozan finds Soul Eater[who was at -8 hit points] and casts the Cure Light Wounds spell on him. Soul Eater is now restored to 2 hit points.
The party searches around for a while and finds Zingnoff relatively quickly, he's at the bottom of a pit trap(all the traps in the house have been disabled though), pretty badly injured. How will you pull him up?
Hm, well, that's interesting. Looks like nobody thought to bring a rope.
And Xav, again, using Move Silently would be redundant, they already know you are here. And I would highly recommend you stick together with the group, if you get attacked by the beasties alone, you're toast and jam.
A few moments after she enters the mansion, Trafire regains telepathic contact with...Hawkeye? Talon? Whatever his name is. I haven't seen anything, but I would be careful regardless, he says. I have been exploring here for a couple minutes, would you like to hear what I have found?
Also; here is the description of the house from the inside... The house is enormous, with a cracked, slanted flagstone floor, a healthy dosage of dust spread on absolutely everything, and plenty of vermin(rats, cockroaches, etc.) that scatter when he crashes through. There are several staircases placed randomly around the room that lead to nothing at all at the top. Those few staircases that actually lead somewhere wind around several times before actually reaching a higher level. A faded and frayed carpet in the Amnian style is spread across the second floor, whereas the first floor is left bare. Several piles of refuse and garbage dominate the first floor, with trash scattered about ranging from piles of foul-smelling liquid to heavily rusted and tarnished armors. A horrid stench of decaying flesh, smoke, mildew, mold, and other unidentifiable elements assaults Zingnoff's nose as soon as he enters, even more pungent than when the party first approached the house, and he is forced to use one hand to plug his nose. There are several doorways around the room, all of them are shut. On the north wall, there are two doors, on the south wall, there is one, and the west and east walls both hold two doors each. It's impossible to tell where each door leads, but all of them are made of reinforced wood that has, however, decayed and rotted over the years, leaving naught but a pile of mulch in its place that blocks the doorways. The walls and floors show signs of abuse, from blackened scorch marks to deep gouges from a sword or even claw. What must have once been a very grand crystal chandelier dangles dangerously from the ceiling, hanging by no more than a thin, rusted chain. The room is very large, and accommodates even the many stairs with ease; it is the piles of rubbish that block many possible routes through it.
Okay, says Hawkeye/Talon. You were looking for books, right? There is a small pile of books at the very top of the staircase leading to nothing directly on your right. The door on the west side on the second floor leads to a master bedroom. The door on the east side on the second floor leads to a washroom. The door on the north side on the second floor leads to some kind of store room. And the door on the south side on the second floor leads to a stairwell.