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Actually I could work something for an all girl evil party.
I made my char a girl so that Noobs could be a dude and I would take the mantle of the "arty hoe" as Neri was originally described to me. Now, EVERYBODY is a chick.................
I think im going to stay male
Name:Elsa VegaPlayer:TRFAge:25Sex:FLooks:Race:HumanClass:LurkLevel:1Attributes:Strength(14)Dexterity(14)Consitution(16)Intelligence(18)Wisdom(12)Charisma(12)Saves:Fortitude(3),Reflex(4),Will(3)Hit points:9Alignment:NEAttack2)Damage1d8+2, 1d10)Armor Class(AC)16)18)Feats:Ranged Lurk Augument, Improved IntiativePowers:Extend RangePP:2Features:Lurk AugumentSkills:Hide, Move silently, Search, Open lock, Disable device,tumble,spot,swim,ListenEquipment:300 gp and Adventurer's Kit(longsword,HVYcrossbow ,LrgWoodensheild, Chainshirt)
And if you liked that one you will love this one.
Female Orc Barbarian 1Neutral EvilRepresenting ShoStrength 22 (+6)Dexterity 11 (+0)Constitution 15 (+2)Intelligence 8 (-1)Wisdom 9 (-1)Charisma 4 (-3) Size: MediumHeight: 7' 4"Weight: 390 lbSkin: GreenEyes: RedHair: longTotal Hit Points: 14Speed: 40 feet [barbarian]Armor Class: 14 = 10 +4 [chain shirt] Touch AC: 10 Flat-footed: 14Initiative modifier: +0 = +0 [dexterity]Fortitude save: +4 = 2 [base] +2 [constitution]Reflex save: +0 = 0 [base]Will save: -1 = 0 [base] -1 [wisdom]Attack (handheld): +7 = 1 [base] +6 [strength]Attack (unarmed): +7 = 1 [base] +6 [strength]Attack (missile): +1 = 1 [base]Grapple check: +7 = 1 [base] +6 [strength]Languages: Common OrcHeavy Crossbow [1d10, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 120 ft., 8 lb., piercing]Greataxe [1d12, crit x3, 12 lb, two-handed, slashing]Chain shirt [light; +4 AC; max dex +4; check penalty -2; 25 lb.]Feats: Power Attack Features: Fast Movement +10, Illiteracy, Rage 1/dayTraits: Darkvision, Light Sensitivity,Skills:Climb Str* 10 = +6 +4 Jump Str* 14 = +6 +4 +4 [speed 40]Swim Str** 10 = +6 +4 can i call my chic shanaynay
So Holladay will be the Party Boy.......*once-once-once*
So sho your a fan of Shane Dawson also, sweet go for it, even though I prefer S Deezy
i'm a guy >.>
Too bad, Noobs. We aren't racist on the Darkside, we hate everyone equally.
can you please reroll my dexterity/wisdom/intelligence/charisma
No You are evil and a ***** so no rerolls for Ju
fine i use splash on thor....THOR IS NOT AFFECTED
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