I'm thinking of being a fighter/justiciar(the alignment of said fighter/justiciar depends on the rest of the party and the campaign). And I'll just be a human.
Doh, Ninja'd by dragon... So, you had a relative in WWII too? my grandpa served in the Navy on board a destroyer as an electronics operator. He died about a year ago, and I miss him very much. Was it one of those Military funerals? My grandpa sort of got one, but it was just 'taps', he didn't get a 21-gun salute or whatever it is.
Dragon: oh, was he in 'Nam then? Dire Wereboar is fine. Hyper: You'll "really" hate me for this, but according to the PHII, it's 88,000 gp! DBS: I recommend either a Vampire or a Ghost, as they make the most playable and interesting Undead characters.
Seeing as my dad was born in '41 and he was only six years older than my dad, I doubt he was WWII.
1935, huh? Sounds more like Korea(although he would have been 15 when the Korean War started) or Vietnam(he would have been around his mid 20s when it started and around his mid 40s when it ended).